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Test my net vs Speetest and Speakeasy test results differences?

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Greetings All,

I am on Wild blue bundled through DISH. When I run Test my net for up and down, I consistently get a lower number than either Speakeasy or Speedtest. . Last run was 656Kbs on Test my and 1014 Kbs and 1027Kbs. I believe the Test my net results are more accurate, but why such a large variance?

Thanks for your help,

cuz we won't lie to u to make u feel good...we use flat files (how exactly that differs i dunno but it's more exact for most people)...so if u have a problem with ur connection u can addres it instead of thinking that u have no problem.

compare ur testmy results with an actual dl or ul and u'll see that we're pretty much right on

someone else that knows how will explain it better...

those other sites have me way over the top...which i know for a fact that i'm nowhere near the results they give...

Some ISP's will 'optimize' the connection to those sites(speakeasy,speedtest). Meaning to up your bandwidth temporarily. A bit of a scam. But thats why you do various Internet speedtests to confirm a stable number.

Or some ISP's will only consider a speedtest to their server as a speed test(oh look, perfect numbers. And the call agent hangs up on you). But that does not take in to account the Internet that you have purchased the connection to connect to.

I am on Telus(DSL)  as my ISP and those sites and this site give me the same results. But some Speedtest.ninny  sites do not have enough bandwidth to give a proper result in the download or upload direction. And never use the recommended site.

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