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So I was about to trash my aging Toshiba laptop that just wasn't capable or running, well anything under Windows XP. But then I remembered linux. Installed the latest version of Ubuntu and now everything seems way more responsive under this brick of a laptop. I liked that it even had Firefox pre installed. If only linux was compatible with most of the stuff I use then I would make it the main OS of my other system. Although windows 7 is proving to be fairly nice. An upgrade from Vista at least. 

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==> If only linux was compatible with most of the stuff I use then I would make it the main OS of my other system. Although windows 7 is proving to be fairly nice. An upgrade from Vista at least. 

Linux will be compatible for most windows applications if you will install "wine" http://www.winehq.org/

you can install windows apps using this.

if you also want to play windows games on linux, together with windows apps, you can also install "Play On Linux" http://www.playonlinux.com/


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