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My family is going to china in the next few days and we are wondering what would be the cheapest/easiest way to have a cell phone over there to make local calls. A prepaid phone seems a good idea but apparently they only work in one country and we would like ot be able to use that phone when we are in the US also since our canadian phone plans are way expensive there. Also, if we could have a relatively far awat (1-year-ish) expiration date for the US minutes that would be cool. Is there such a phone/plan that could fit both our needs? Thanks in advance.

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Don't know how accurate these Google searches are but........... China Rental phones. Hopefully no government bugs in them either.  :alien:



Bringing Your Phone From Home

If you are already using a GSM phone it can be unlocked and a Chinese SIM card inserted. This service is available at Beijing International Airport or you can pick up a global SIM card before you leave home.

Well I'm not sure about China, but in Aruba you can just buy a small cheap plan, and have that cell for when you go, or change the sim to your current phone when you get there. Or get something like the HTC touch, with mine, I have changed the radio to all networks, so wherever I go, I can connect to there networks. There's supposedly only four channels.

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