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I just got it in today, seems the owner did nothing more then leave the laptop plugged in all night, but left it on the floor, off, but charging. The battery has a full charge, and the power supply tests ok. But the power button does nothing, no matter what i do, I can't get the thing to do anything.

If it were on, and charging, i would say that on the floor, it overheated, but unless there fibbin to me, and knowing them and doing business with them regular, I don't think there not telling the truth. No reason for that anyhow.

So I searched for some type of reset on these things incase they got an overcharge, or whatever. Nothing.  Anyone ?

Latitude D810

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Well a quick search myself...

Might you have a docking station to plug it into with a power button on the docking station?

Give it a couple of slaps in the back(while pressing the power button) to see if the solder broke loose on the power switch.

Or the worst is a power surge hit it.  :cry:  And killed the MoBo.

Well a quick search myself...

Might you have a docking station to plug it into with a power button on the docking station?

Give it a couple of slaps in the back(while pressing the power button) to see if the solder broke loose on the power switch.

No dock. And "slap" it ? Hmm, never thought of that.

Well I gave it a little tweaking, not much, just a little persuasion, and nada.

Ryan I hear that, so i lifted the cover to make sure if any heat built up warped the plastic button off that tiny switch, and nada.

I hate to go inside a laptop searching for something like a fuse , when I know better. I'm more apt to believe the solder thing in this case due to them leaving it on the carpet to charge, but that can't be that common, and basic searches for these things leave you wandering in a cesspool of issues related to powering up, or not  :haha:

Well after searching this thing out, I find out that many of them have an issue with the lid / power / sleep switch.

There' reed switches located one , under the trackpad along with the switch, and the second under the screen itself, so one activates another to open / close the switch.

Guess this'll <   :haha:  is that a word ?  this'll , sounds messed up.......  AAR I'll take a few pics  :haha: :haha:

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