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I got a dell demsion 4700 that needs a new motherboard.

What are my options to get a new one that do not involve spending lots of money to get it.

Thing i am having trouble with more is that i need a mobo that supports pc2 3200 ram.

I believe its a socket 775

Has a P4 in it now

Think this is a atx size mobo

If i was to get the original mobo for this product it seems 2x as pricey as buying a new one.

Looking for an after market board that can support that type of ram, cpu, has a pcie 16x slot, and is able to fit the case.

Also has to be a 24 pin connector.

Any help please need advise fast  :cry:

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ok heres what bugs me

the pc2-3200 not used to this form of ram


orignal motherboard blew  because i put a differant power supply in it.

The power supply that fried it has been in about 15 machines allways worked well just used as a tester psu.


does dell put weird power supply in machines so you have to be forced to buy cruddy dell parts again? Only reason i can think of for this board to fry.

Weird thing is i can see the lite on board sometimes can get it to beep by taken out ram but most times when i power it on the fan just goes crazy fast and loud with nothing happening.

The fan acting up was the reason tryed a differant psu.

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Have  a look at some of these boards.


Dell has made a proprietary PS for quite some time, the wiring is not the same, they will fit into another MB, but that doesnt mean it will always work. There's an adapter you can get somewhere,  let me go look around. And there not all like that .

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well its not posting now. Was workking before the new psu got put in. when new psu was in it lasted for about 8 seconds through out some beep codes then a spark flew out the back.

End result i cant turn the machine on with the power button anymore with the old psu lite comes on fan on case comes on and witht his machine thats also the heatsink fan. Could it be another issue? Yes... but what i got no idea on this one.

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ummmmm i do not know how to say this but.....

after leaving the pc off and unplugged for an hour maybe.... It suddenly works fine..... I GOT NO IDEA

something hardware related is very screwy here.... any ideas?

So i ask myself. what would cause a cpu/system fan to go way above normal speed and by way above i mean about 10x faster then it should and not post or have the back lite codes or do anything except the fan go postal.

Also what could cause the mouse and keyboard to freeze but the machine not shut off.

I would think the answer would be powersupply for the fan because wouldnt voltage make it spin way faster if it is getting way too much. As for freezing i am not sure whats causeing that hdd seems to check out just fine.

Also psu is reading normal on my testor. not saying it cant go out of wack at any time but it was 3x when i checked it.

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also anytime this pc is turned off and a piece of hardware is removed such as ram vid card hard drive or anything it likes to do the super fan noise with no post no thing at all just pure throttle to the fan like its at the biggest drag race on earth.

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when you say

after leaving the pc off and unplugged for an hour maybe.... It suddenly works fine

it sounds like the PSU is going faulty (prob a leaking cap ) so try a different PSU and see if this works

but i would stop using he faulty one as this can cause more problems

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when you say it sounds like the PSU is going faulty (prob a leaking cap ) so try a different PSU and see if this works

but i would stop using he faulty one as this can cause more problems

I was thinking along the same lines.

It could be , and it's just a guess, that the reason you had no power for a little bit, is like Diehard said , something in there is whacked, and a capacitor could have shorted (thus the power spike ) and took a resistor out with it, and the PS could have a slow blow breaker that went back into shape when it cooled.  ! ??

 I would do what Diehard suggested, get that PS out of there in an instant if the board is good now, doesnt mean it will be in another second . You might be supplying something with more power then it can handle, and eventually , soon, it could fail because of it.

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DO you guys think that i should not buy a reg atx psu because of the problem i had when trying to plug a reg one into it. It did throw codes before it blew i did not get a chance to write them down i usually do not catch them the first go around.

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