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Hey guys.

Now that windows 7 is out i want to upgrade my computer before i get it. I mostly just want a new hard drive. I want to get a solid state drive to run windows and some other programs. I will keep my 300 gig drive for my other files.

I just want to know what you guys think about this. any if you had any advice for the new solid state drive. Thx

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or i could upgrade my cpu. right now i have a Amd 2.4 x2 4600. i might see a bigger difference if i would go for a better cpu. i would get a lot more for my money.

I have been looking at the prices of the solid state drive drives and they are a lot more than i thought.

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I got a SSD, among other parts I must admit, and WOW, what a difference! Once your other parts are sufficiently fast/performant for your use, I think a SSD is the best investment you can make. Mine cost 400$ for a 128G with 10 year warranty and it was worth every dollar, since programs, including games, start significantly faster. I can start 5 programs at a time and still have a very responsive system.

As for which one to chose, I'd go for an Indilinx controller one (ocz vertex, patriot torqx and many others) with the capacity you need, or wait for the cheap intel ones that should be coming in the next months.

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now im thinking about getting this cpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103674

that would be a dramatic improvement to my pc. I watch a lot of TV and while im running other programs on my computer at the same time. I also do alot of video converting as well.

Or i could just get a new cpu and a new hard drive, but i dont know if i want to put that much money into my computer at this time.

Plus i'm gonna be spending 200 bucks on windows 7

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Hypertransport speed was never a bottleneck anyway.

You should check if your motherboard has AM3 compatibility though, since I don't think they have x2 4600+ natively on AM3.

i know my MB is AM3 ready, i've already ckecked that. as for the transfer rates i dont know about that. I think it does but this is my MB http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?Model=A780GXE/128M&s=

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I always use Boot and Nuke to wipe the HHD before reformatting. It works good on CD. Make sure you go into BIOS and set the boot to CD or CD/DVD depending on which drive your going to use. After B&N is done put your OS disk in the same drive and boot, then follow the on screen prompts until your finished. I never do the quick format. Good luck.  :wink:


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I am using the newer Intel SSD and it has the trim update for windows 7 and it loads up windows 7 in 25 seconds and thats counting going through the bios screens too. I got the 80 gig 1 but it was $240 and if you want fast it is worth it but make sure you get the 2nd gen models so it can take advantage of trim support in windows 7. On the Windows Experience Index the Intel SSD scores 7.5 BTW

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