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Man this is getting old, when is Wild Blue going to stop lying to their customers? I called customer service and complained so many times I feel like a switchboard operator, nothing ever get's better they throttle your speeds up for a week or two then back to the same old 400 to 600kbs down with around 90kbs up and the upload can't be tested and get a real answer because they are using compression according to tests on another speed test site wonder why Test my doesn't report it when you run speed tests here. I admit I was actually testing at around 1000kbs down a month ago then all of a sudden down to 600kbs down, I call customer service again and they tell me to download pulse so they can check my actual speeds, so I tried to jump through their hoop and no surprise it wouldn't even install on my Vista machine, then it dawned on me that they have told me my speeds and connection status for 5 years now so guess they changed the script for their supposed techs. Anyway I went to the Wild Blue web site which I can't sign in on because I belong to a Wild Blue Coop, but saw the little test to see if Wild Blue was available in your area and I ask one of the techs if they were still selling subs. on my beam which is 34 Cheyenne and they said sales were closed on my beam so I checked and they were still selling so I keep checking every day for a while sure enough after 3 days the beam was closed to new apps. I though well they are trying to improve the over crowding but a week later they were selling on it again. Is there no limit to the lies and false advertising they are getting away with? Sure I am on the Pro Pack and if maybe 2/3rds of the people on my beam gave up their Wild Blue I might get 1.5mbs they advertise, but that wouldn't be fair to the other 2/3rds but why can't they be forced to stop all sales until the speeds get up close to what they advertise? Ok I've had my rant for today and didn't make me feel any better, just used and abused by a greedy IP that only cares about their wallet instead of their customers.

Unfortunately all I hear is bad stuff about wildblue... but that's the case with all satellite and wireless providers. I think it's about time for some new technology for attaining high speed in rural locations.

Yep, satellite hs been that way for 10+ years so far. I see it has not changed yet, but when new sat go up it improves for a bit.

Why several of us went to EVDO as soon as it was available. The possibilities just do not come along as quick as needed. Still satellite will always have a place. Who's the first internet available when a huge disaster arrives? Satellite of course. Who can go anywhere? Satellite. It was ok for a few years (hughes/direcway satellite) but sure glad I got weened off too. :cheesy:

Best of luck with that dcroc84375, and welcome to the forum.

Yep, satellite hs been that way for 10+ years so far. I see it has not changed yet, but when new sat go up it improves for a bit.

Why several of us went to EVDO as soon as it was available. The possibilities just do not come along as quick as needed. Still satellite will always have a place. Who's the first internet available when a huge disaster arrives? Satellite of course. Who can go anywhere? Satellite. It was ok for a few years (hughes/direcway satellite) but sure glad I got weened off too. :cheesy:

Best of luck with that dcroc84375, and welcome to the forum.

I've been with Wild Blue for several years and they have never done anything but over sell the beams available. I am on beam 34 and there was so many complained about slow service that they suspended sales on the beam and I thought well finally they are going to do something but as usual they only suspended sales for one week and no difference in speed as a matter of fact the speed went down ever farther. I have jumped through their hoops for several years now and they sent a tech out to check my system which he said was 100% as far as the equipment and alignment. But he changed the Trio just for good measure, bad move the speeds went even lower, I told him to put my old one back up and he said he couldn't and that there wasn't anything wrong with either one. Wild Blue has just been built on deception and out right lies. My speeds right now are 5to 600kbps with 85kbps up and I am on the pro pack claiming 1.5mbps down and 256 up. I am not even getting the speed of the lowest pack and paying $80 for the pro pack. This sucks.

So go back to the lowest pack. IMO Ok thats what I would do of course. If I can't get better why pay for it. We both know if they wanted to they could give the better speeds and won't. Sat providers are pretty much all the same. Not just wild blue. Its better than dial up, but only till something better comes along.

Actually I had very few issues with mine, I had the 500/50 setup direcway, and usually of a late evening got 1030/75 after everyone went to bed, which is when I had the time to be on. Afternoons were sluggish of course. Again best of luck. By the way I did see 3000+ speeds for a few weeks, and why I know they can give better speeds if they so desire. And yes they all oversell. Like I said they are all pretty much the same, Only other temp fix is when they throw up a new bird, and thats only till its over sold once more. Its like a bad habit with them. <_<

:::.. dcroc84375's Combined Test Results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 267 Kbps about 0.27 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 33 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 90 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 193 MB)

Upload Speed is:: 11 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Dallas, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2011-02-09 20:51:18 GMT -7

Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/250W38UI4&q2=26UDK8VBX&dual=yes

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Well it's official, Wild blue has achieved a new all time low for the pro pack on beam 34. I called them and even the tech I talked to said there was no use going through all the hoops of the downloads and watching the shuttle launch, I ask him why WB still had the beam open for new sales and told him I just checked and according to the Wildblue.net web site that 34 was still open to sales. He said that it was closed but all you have to do is go to www.wildblue.net and check your zip code and if when the new window opens with the packages available it is open if not it will prompt you to get on the list for service. He told me that beam 34 was having problems, to which I replied sure it has to many people piled on one beam just like beam 35 over in Missouri, then he started to try to get me off the phone but I wanted to get my two cents worth, told him about all my speed tests I had done all day and downloads I had timed, finally after about 30 mins. or more I finally let him go but not before getting one of their top secret code numbers to give the tech I will talk to in the morning and tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night, make some of them make their money for a change. LOL This is the pits web pages timing out and emails not opening, just two months ago I was getting over 1000kbps all the time except during prime time in the evening now down to just over 200kbps and that is not just prime time I started tests at a little past noon and it was like this all day long and just did the test shown just a few mins. ago. This really sucks. Now I through with my rant for tonight. Oh forgot to mention this is for the Pro Pack supposed to be 1500kbps down and 256 up. That I pay over $80.00 a month to enjoy.

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