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Curious about other users Sprint network speeds are, whether they are using 3G or 4G. Please specify if you are using a cell phone, or mobile broadband card.

Not quite sure where the sprint tower is, I only know of the Verizon tower location near me.

Seems my local tower is getting worse. Anytime between 12PM to 9PM its nearly unusable.

Download speeds range from 5 kB/s to 20 kB/s.. Once every few weeks you might get a good connection during the day.


Upload speeds are the worst, getting anywhere from 1 kB/s (yes, 1) to 10.


30 minutes later



Don't think I'm just picking out the slow results, that's what its like during daytime hours.

After 10PM it usually speeds up. You can get anywhere from 50kB/s to 160 kB/s on the download(lately it doesn't go higher than 120), around 20 to 60 on the upload.

Highest achieved speed in a few weeks. Back in November i would hit 200 kB/s.


Granted, I usually only achieve those speeds by updating the PRL a few times to reconnect. Either a hit or a miss, you get lucky or you don't.

All results are with 5 bars, and a -65 dBm.

Have to love the unlimited data though :) even if you can only use it at night.

Average ping for after 11PM. During the daytime hours, it sits between 600-2k if you are not doing anything else online.

Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=179ms TTL=46

Reply from bytes=32 time=166ms TTL=46

Reply from bytes=32 time=171ms TTL=46

Reply from bytes=32 time=174ms TTL=46

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view my results - which go back several years


overall they're substantially below average and all over the board (3G wise) I hate Sprint with a passion but I have no alternative other than Satellite.  Keep in mind my setup is out of the ordinary - I have a directional 30db gain antenna and 100% signal @ -58db so signal is not an issue here its the tower, their network, and/or backhaul that are the issues here.




Be sure to filter the results to only Sprint since I've recently been beta testing Frontier DSL (with inline repeaters).


I can't NOT recommend Sprint enough :)

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I am 3 miles from my tower and only running 80% signal right now.


star_full.pngstar_full.pngstar_full.pngstar_no.pngstar_no.png   arrow-down-doubleL.png Download :: 194 Kbps 24 kB/s

1668a9.png1668a9-end.png  Your Speed :: 194 Kbps

With 100% signal when its working ok I do much better of course. You need to find out where the tower is. Best of luck cappy. And I am using a truckers antenna also.
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Using a directional antenna I was able to slowly but surely find a few different towers.  However with Sprint's recent "upgrades" here in MI the tower that netted me the best results no longer accepts connections.  While disconnected it'll show great signal but as soon as I try to connect the signal strength and type bounce from EVDO to 1xRTT so SOMETHING changed and as per usual anyone from Sprint is clueless.  Most of my recent results are from the closest tower (2 miles away as the bird flies).


You can actually get a decent map that shows tower locations here http://network.sprint.com/


Also to reaffirm your assumptions about time of day network load you are absolutely correct.  It's like clockwork around 5pm things come to a grinding halt.  Keep in mind my Township only has 2200 residents of which maybe 50 are within range of this tower.


What I do is continue to call Sprint and complain to obtain monthly credits.  IMO the service should be 1mbit MINIMUM anything less is highway robbery @ 59.99 a month!  If they give you shit just threaten to file a complaint with the FCC that typically lights a fire under their ass.


I would switch to Verizon in a heartbeat if they offered an affordable plan for the amount of data I use.  Working from home I average 15 to 25gb a month.  If my kids decide to watch YouTube a few hours a month then we're in the 30 to 40gb range.

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