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I'm new here. Just wanted to say hi. I live en Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. I was checking my broad band and I found this site. I'm paying for 3 Mbs, but the portal of my 2wire modem shows that I have 6016 kbps. But I've never even goten close in speed test on the internet. But once I downloaded something from microsoft and the info box during the download said I was downloading at almost that speed. I hope I can say that? I read the rules. Well, that's it. Just wanted to introduce myself. Andres.

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I'm new here. Just wanted to say hi. I live en Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. I was checking my broad band and I found this site. I'm paying for 3 Mbs, but the portal of my 2wire modem shows that I have 6016 kbps. But I've never even goten close in speed test on the internet. But once I downloaded something from microsoft and the info box during the download said I was downloading at almost that speed. I hope I can say that? I read the rules. Well, that's it. Just wanted to introduce myself. Andres.

Welcome to the site Andres,

in the portal of your modem your seeing the sync rate of your modem.. just because a modem syncs at a speed doesn't necessarily mean you'll get that speed it just means that's what you were provisioned by the ISP

~ Mark

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Thanks for the welcome, Mark. I dont know if everyone can see my speed test results from this site. That would be good, so they could comment about it. But, they are extremly unstable. I've seen the same instability on other sites since I stared checking. Why would I have 250 o 400 kbs one moment and 3.4Mbs 5 minutes later. I guess it would help if you knew something about my system. I have a Cyber Cafe, but these results are from moments when I check and there are no customers in the Cyber. My server is an AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 Ghz. Mother board Gigabyte 880GM-USB3. With 4 GB RAM DDR 3 - 1333 FSB. Windows 7 64 bit. Intergrated ATI Radeon HD4250 on board combined with ATI Radeon HD 5450 using ATI's Hybrid Graphics Technology. When I installed the Radeon 5450 I saw a great increase in performance. It freed my RAM and speed it up in Windows 7 System evaluation. I only get a 5 on the windows scale becuase of performance on windows aero graphics, but I get a 6.2 on 3d games evaluation performance. My RAM score went from 5.9 to 7.5 when I installed the graphics card. Scored 7.4 on processor and the worst is 5.9 on Hard disk. (Sata 3 wasn't available when I bought this motherboard.) I have a SATA 2 1.5 TB Hard disk. Sorry about my English. Its not my first language. I have a 2wire 4011G and a Huawei HG530. My server and clientes are connected with standard CAT 5. The Server directly to the modem and the clientes to a Trendnet 8 port switch, then to the server. I've also had alot of instability on my net with the clientes. En window 7 many times they disapear from my view en the "Home Group" or "Home network". Sorry! "Grupo Hogar". I don´t know if this could have anything to do with my speed test. Thank you, Andres.

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One other thing. When I used the smart test option on this site. the results were very poor download speeds. When I usted 100 M and other larger blocks of random data, I got much higer speed results. Any explanation or understanding you can give me would be much appreciated. Thank you, Andres.

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One other thing. When I used the smart test option on this site. the results were very poor download speeds. When I usted 100 M and other larger blocks of random data, I got much higer speed results. Any explanation or understanding you can give me would be much appreciated. Thank you, Andres.

thats because of the higher latency your seeing testing from out of the country. higher latency need larger test sizes to allow the connection to "ramp up" and reach the peak download speed

as for the unstable connection your seeing this could be many things. it could be anything from a faulty cat5 cable to a bad amplifier on the hosts node a bad switch,network card, many many things it could be things even outside your control what i would start with is seeing if its anything on your local side try replacing some cat5 cables you might even try changing out modems if possible... modems do burn out after time

your connection seems pretty solid though i would try testing from the dallas mirror if you can it's the closest one to you you might see good results to that one although for some of your tests your speeds are quite impressive also try testing 15-30MB tests that should be plenty of ramp up time without having to wait a long time for the downloads to finish

~ Mark

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