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Slow Internet! D: (Wireless speed fast in one room, slow in the other)

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So as some of you know I have a MacBook with a bad screen so it is used as a Desktop MacMini ( I think It is pretty fine ^.^ feel like a office man with a awesome computer > :D)

But I Have it in my room farthest away from the internet, and it is pretty slow, but nothing horrible just look at my recent test's and you'll see the speed but it isnt all bad... I mean Im working on a website from it, and able to have YouTube, Email, Gmail, FileZilla, and TextMate(Coding) All doing transfers and it works so how would I be able to make it faster, and have a better connection... dont I just need a better air card?

I think thats what I need, but idunno :razz:



Edited by CA3LE
spelling / added link to test results

...so how would I be able to make it faster, and have a better connection... dont I just need a better air card?

I think thats what I need, but idunno :razz:



Hey! Cool that you're using my site to get help.

Anyone that doesn't know already, Christian is my Son. He lives with his Mother in Texas and floats between there and Phoenix.

I wish you just lived down the street and I could just come over and help. :razz: --- what kind of signal strength does your air card show?


/\ (you obviously already know where this is but other people reading this in the future may not)

If it's really weak then you might benefit from an external wireless adapter that has a better antenna. The best thing to do in my opinion would be to move the router and modem in your room (if possible) and hook up via ethernet straight to the router. You could still go wifi and being closer will help but if your computer is stationary anyways and the router is close enough you might as well get the better connection through ethernet.

Do you know what speed your supposed to get on your connection? When you get a chance take some tests from your Mom's computer or move the macbook closer to the modem/router and see what you get.

To keep track of which tests are which I recommend using identifiers, this is exactly the situation that feature was originally designed for.


... we'll get you fixed up :wink:

There is my Bars... it says full bars, but when it is closer to the modem it gets like

arrow-down-doubleM.png Download :: 14.3 Mbps arrow-up-doubleM.png Upload :: 364 Kbps

But when in my room I get more like

arrow-down-doubleM.png Download :: 2.5 Mbps 324 kB/s arrow-up-doubleM.png Upload :: 129 Kbps 16 kB/s

My MacBook is a liar! >:D Haha but I dunno I Can live with it :P

I might move it somewhere else in my room, but not out side my room... it is more like a office to me, the living room to me defeats the whole pupose of 'Privacy' especially when company is over :P

Also yes I have my Computer named for a while now(Mac=Office, Netbook=Netbook)

And I also wish I could live there with you and the family :(

Love you!

Also thanks for the help!



There is my Bars... it says full bars, but when it is closer to the modem it gets like

arrow-down-doubleM.png Download :: 14.3 Mbps arrow-up-doubleM.png Upload :: 364 Kbps

But when in my room I get more like

arrow-down-doubleM.png Download :: 2.5 Mbps 324 kB/s arrow-up-doubleM.png Upload :: 129 Kbps 16 kB/s

My MacBook is a liar! > :D Haha but I dunno I Can live with it :P

Well, that definitely made a difference...

You don't have to live with it like that... if you're getting better speeds closer to the router you just need to arrange things differently to get either closer... or wire it directly to the router with ethernet. If you don't have an ethernet handy I'll mail you one. ... or you can save up and buy a better wireless adapter with better range. You may also want to check and make sure that the routers antenna's aren't folded down or something. Also, if it's near another wireless device or backed up in a corner it could effect the signal. So position the router at least 6 feet from the floor away from other devices. I've seen before where a wireless router was near a TV and the radient radiation from the TV effected the performance of the router. Try to give a degree of separation between the router and other electronics, that can make a big difference. If you remember how mine is setup, I always keep my router up high and far away from all other electronics and I get clean signal throughout my house. Imagine that there is an invisible bubble of interference around your devices... the device doesn't need to be wireless to have this effect by the way. Some things are shielded really well but sometimes they aren't. You have to assume that everything will interfere with everything when it comes to wireless. It won't always completely ruin the signal, it can instead make it weaker.

And I also wish I could live there with you and the family :sad:

You can, whenever you want... but your Mom wouldn't be too happy with that :razz: -- my door will always be open to you. :wink:

Well, that definitely made a difference...

You don't have to live with it like that... if you're getting better speeds closer to the router you just need to arrange things differently to get either closer... or wire it directly to the router with ethernet. If you don't have an ethernet handy I'll mail you one. ... or you can save up and buy a better wireless adapter with better range. You may also want to check and make sure that the routers antenna's aren't folded down or something. Also, if it's near another wireless device or backed up in a corner it could effect the signal. So position the router at least 6 feet from the floor away from other devices. I've seen before where a wireless router was near a TV and the radient radiation from the TV effected the performance of the router. Try to give a degree of separation between the router and other electronics, that can make a big difference. If you remember how mine is setup, I always keep my router up high and far away from all other electronics and I get clean signal throughout my house. Imagine that there is an invisible bubble of interference around your devices... the device doesn't need to be wireless to have this effect by the way. Some things are shielded really well but sometimes they aren't. You have to assume that everything will interfere with everything when it comes to wireless. It won't always completely ruin the signal, it can instead make it weaker.

You can, whenever you want... but your Mom wouldn't be too happy with that :razz: -- my door will always be open to you. :wink:

Haha yeah it is right under the tv so I guess that is effecting it? Im going out there right now going to reposition it :)

Love you, and Ok ill keep that inmind! :D

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