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Awesome site + more testing servers?

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First and formost, thanks for a brilliant website!

Ive often mused about the speedtest sites and how pointless they are. Not just from the blatant biased reports they offer, but also beacuse peoples perception of internet performace is so rarely corrolated with their advertised connection speeds and attainable bandwith :)

I thumbed up your post in the FAQ section on why you do this and take a hit for it! Have you considered adding a flattr button to your website?

What I would really love though, would be some more servers based in other parts of the world. I realise this might be problematic in some instances, but I would be most interested in seeing that!

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks! I'm working on more servers in the future. No flatter button... If you'd like to support the site, support my advertisers. If you see an ad for something your interested in, click it and buy it. I took the Paypal donations years ago because the ads I have are more than enough.

Keep visiting, I have a lot more in store. ;)

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