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Just got it a few days ago. Wonder if there is any thing special I need to do to get it set up right on windows 7????


My speeds with out vpn........25.9.........With VPN.......Right around 17.3.Connecting through midwest server, I live in the midwest. 


Here is the vpn service I use.  https://www.privateinternetaccess.com


Apreciate any imput. 

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I wanted to try the vpn for a few different reasons. Privacy, who wants there internet provider to have access to what "legal" torrents they may wanna download ??


The Second reason, See if my inertent provider was throttling the connection, Some claim that does happen, With mine, not so much. 


Just something I always wanted to try. Its super cheep, and something I wanted to mess around with and see if it worked for me nor not. Some claim it made there connection faster. 

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Typically a VPN is slower due to a couple factors:

1. The definition of VPN is Virtual Private Network. The VPN server encrypts all VPN traffic to and from the server. This takes some time.

2. In order for a VPN to access the outside internet, it has to be passed to an interface on the server. Again, this can take time.

3. The VPN uses two connections: your connection to the VPN, and the VPN's connection to the server. If either is saturated, you'll get a slower result.

VPN's are not built for speed so much as security and access to secure resources. With a VPN a server can be made to be inaccessible to the outside internet, but you can still access it remotely from your computer, and the VPN puts you inside the organizations network.



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