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Anyone else see the announcement of Windows 10?

Installing it right now to play with, should be exciting.

I'm excited. I already quite enjoy this preview build.

Mudman: Windows 10 supports multiple desktops, similarly to Gnome and KDE.

Didn't even need to run TCP Optimizer on the Windows 10 VM, it downloaded at 48.5Mbps. (I'm watching Hulu at the same time.) Upload is horrible, but it seems Testmy.net isn't working well in IE.



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can you install it on a partition or do you need a clean hard drive?

Just remember install windows first, if installing on stand alone machine (no VM) , unless things have changed, windows does not care what else is on the machine it will overwrite anything. 


What is this , some competition to see who can release faster versions of the same software with more unneeded social connection built in? Geezus. Between Apple and MS it's become a real joke in recent years. Less concentration on fixing current roadblocks, and more so towards connecting you to the small handful of various widely over rated and more or less useless social networks. Rant over. 

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Let me make the point about being forced to login to an online microsoft account. After this, everything you do on that machine is logged externally. (best keylogger to date) Therefore the internet is no longer a free and open space, it is tendered to you from your personal data on a 'social' level. 


Ads, suggested searches, dot to dot connecting you to people with the same lifestyle habit, likes / dislikes ect as yourself. Forming digital opinions of who you are and lumping you with the masses you might regularly even slightly frequent. Taking google to the next level. 


Anyhow, off topic.

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It set up fine in a partition W8 on one and W10 on the other. I skipped the M$ login also but did the same as you. I like it not starting to the start screen and goes right to desktop. I haven't really notice much difference other than a few icons and different locations. So far its smoother than W8 but I haven't loaded a bunch of programs on it yet.. Also like not having the right hand sidebar popping in and out if the get the pointer to close to the side,,


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It set up fine in a partition W8 on one and W10 on the other. I skipped the M$ login also but did the same as you. I like it not starting to the start screen and goes right to desktop. I haven't really notice much difference other than a few icons and different locations. So far its smoother than W8 but I haven't loaded a bunch of programs on it yet.. Also like not having the right hand sidebar popping in and out if the get the pointer to close to the side,,


You may notice issues with it being a Technical Preview. I completely broke my install yesterday just playing with it so there's bound to be issues you find.



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Let me make the point about being forced to login to an online microsoft account. After this, everything you do on that machine is logged externally. (best keylogger to date) Therefore the internet is no longer a free and open space, it is tendered to you from your personal data on a 'social' level. 


Ads, suggested searches, dot to dot connecting you to people with the same lifestyle habit, likes / dislikes ect as yourself. Forming digital opinions of who you are and lumping you with the masses you might regularly even slightly frequent. Taking google to the next level. 


Anyhow, off topic.


Do you have evidence of this, or is any of it speculation?


I liken the Microsoft Account with the Apple ID in OS X.  Both make life much more convenient when you use multiple computers.  I'm not saying there's nothing shady going on, I'm just skeptical about the level of nefariousness.

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I strongly dislike the flat UI design, which is the current trend all over the web and recent software. It seems that with this release they have made the desktop part more alike to the flat Metro to make the later not stand out as much. Overall the UI has way too little contrast and, with its few colors and simple single color shapes, it seems to be geared towards output onto a laser printer.

Web pages are also strongly resembling a printed "page" these days. That's probably just me, but I don't recall when I last printed something off the web. For that it is possible to have a special style sheet with reduced formatting and graphics. For a weird reason that is now becoming the norm for screen as well.

And what is with the version number race, skipping 9? Can we expect a service pack named Windows 12 a year from now? Quite likely, because apparently there are Firefox 32 and Opera 24 out already. Only last year I upgraded to 27 and 19 respectively, and I'm so far behind already. Microsoft is trying to conform to this format, which doesn't represent any major differences to the products (as in NT6 family versus NT5).

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Microsoft skipped Windows 9 because they felt that it was not representative of the large update Windows 10 would represent. (Similarly they went from Windows 2000 to XP then Vista then 7.) Windows 8.1 was basically Windows 9.

And I do agree with the BS of Firefox 30-whatever-the-f it is now. I remember when Firefox 3 was a huge release.

I think part of the problem is that people see higher numbers so expect the software to be better. In all reality the version number only matters for that particular software/whatever.



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I installed Windows 10 in a VM to see what the hubub was about. The decision to include both a Start Screen and a Start Menu (but not both enabled at the same time) is what they should have done in Windows 8. Had they done that, the latter would have been a lot more successful with desktop users.


I don't get the versioning either, but IMO this should be called Windows 8.2 at this point, as I'm not seeing major differences, at least not yet. I'm also not seeing "Tesla vs. Prius" differences from Windows 7.

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From what I have read the majority of Windows 10 is interface updates. It's also to be written to support limited ARM architecture devices as well, so that Microsoft can use Windows 10 for Desktop, Laptop, Table, Mobile Phone, and basically everything.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just reformatted the partition W10 was on and now every time I restart it wants to diagnosis trying to fix it and its not there my computer. What do I need to do the correct this. I made W8 the default system but it still shows W10 as a operating system how do I get rid of it?


Figured it it out. Just went in to msconfig> boot and deleted it. also good in potsville!!

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What part of Utah you in? I used to live in Murray. All my Children graduated from Murray High School. 


Ha!  We're in Sandy; my wife's parents live in Murray.  My oldest son graduated from Bountiful High...still working on getting the other two graduated :cheesy:.  Oddly enough, none of them seem to want to be a computer nerd like me.

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Another Windows 10 screenshot.

It's running awfully slowly/laggingly in the VM, but I suppose I can't complain. It is a Technical Preview after all. Not an RC or Release.


Obviously Windows 8 apps are Windows Programs now, which I prefer imho.



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Ha!  We're in Sandy; my wife's parents live in Murray.  My oldest son graduated from Bountiful High...still working on getting the other two graduated :cheesy:.  Oddly enough, none of them seem to want to be a computer nerd like me.

You don't know the Lander Family there in Sandy do you. Live on Jackson Hole. I used to live on Pine Hill Dr and 4800 South. I was a Sundowner Salt Lake City, Chapter In the '80's.

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You don't know the Lander Family there in Sandy do you. Live on Jackson Hole. I used to live on Pine Hill Dr and 4800 South. I was a Sundowner Salt Lake City, Chapter In the '80's.


Nope. But I'm also a transplant; moved to the area from Colorado in '97, which I consider my "real" home :cool:

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