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Hi FOlks,

I carry out regular speed tests to keep a careful note of how my connection performs under normal circumstances so that I have ammunition when it all goes pear shaped and I am being told that "This is all your line will support"

Useful?  yes it has been in the past and will be again.

However, I suddenly thought today that I ave no ide where all this downloaded data is being stored or...even if it IS real data that is being transferred so...basically that's my question,

Where does all this speedtest test data end up and...should i be cleaning it out at some point?


By the way, my go to O.S. is Linux Kubuntu so advice about Windows, although useful, will not be relevant.


Cheers for any enlightenment you can provide.



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Hey James, first off welcome to TestMy.net!


The data, which is randomly generated for each individual speed test, is first cached... then ordered to be purged from your cache.  Nothing should be left over in your memory by the time you arrive at the results page. ... it should at least be in the process of deletion when you arrive at results.


You can monitor your cache folder during the process and see that the size increases while the test is running... then sharply drops off once completed.  :)


I'm not perfect so as with everything here I encourage people with the ability to test this and report any discrepancy.  When I get good feedback it makes TMN stronger, more accurate and in this instance more efficient.  I do test for remnant cache in development. 


When you visit TestMy.net, keep this in your mind:  The creator doesn't want a bunch of garbage on his own computer and always minds the Golden Rule.  ;)

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