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Okay so, apparently the server mixed up my test result ID with someone else's here:



Image URL: yDzXL53lu.png
Result URL: https://testmy.net/db/yDzXL53lu


:::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Download Connection Speed:: 180031 kbps or 180 Mbps
Download Speed Test Size:: 84 MB or 86016 kB or 88080384 bytes
Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 22504 kB/s or 22.5 MB/s
Tested At:: https://TestMy.net
Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/yDzXL53lu
TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 173.83 Mbps | Middle Avg 177.02 Mbps | Max 222.64 Mbps | 4% Variance
Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/--l3l_4ZE-- https://testmy.net/compID/6784192600
Test Time:: 2018-06-08 11:15:03 Local Time
Client Location:: Auburn, WA US https://testmy.net/city/auburn_wa
Target:: San Francisco, CA https://sf.testmy.net
Client Host:: Comcast Cable https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable
Compare:: 8% faster than client avg, 286% faster than host avg, 249% faster than city avg, 464% faster than country avg, 612% faster than world index
1MB Download in 0.05 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~51 Seconds - 3215X faster than 56K
This test of exactly 86016 kB took 3.917 seconds to complete
User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 [!]



As you can see here, and if you click the link to the results, this stuff the /results page script gave me doesn't quite add up.. lol



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Looks like there was already a result in the database with the same testID.  It won't allow an overwrite of the same ID.  It's supposed to check for that, I'll look and see why it didn't.  Maybe I turned that off at some point and didn't realize... Even with that check disabled it's extremely rare to conflict with other testID's. 


It's like 36^9 combinations, but I have seen it before and you just confirmed it again.  I'll make sure that's not an issue for you in the future. 


1.0155996e+14 that's a lot of combinations.  1.3537087e+16 combinations if I switched to cAsE sEnSiTiVe


Better go buy a lottery ticket.

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