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I have a question about my TMN tests results,

My Upload "avg speed" shows: 8.7Mbps and my "max" speed shows: 86.8 Mbps but my connection speed is (or at least should be) : 10Mbps Down & 1Mbps Up, so why is it so that it shows much higher speeds in the test results?

these are my test results: Connection ID 176944719148 

and is this normal that the graph shows the speed goes so much up and down, or my connection is very bad/inconsistent? 

I know that the ISP (explornet) is the worst ever, but I live in where there is no other options unfortunately, 

and last question, is this normal (it is one minute between tests)

Fri Sep 14 2018 @ 8:05:41 pm Dallas, TX arrow 256 kB 186 kbps 23 kB/s 176944719148 Xplornet history WbYhSQ4D7 share history
Fri Sep 14 2018 @ 8:06:48 am Dallas, TX Android Detected arrow 5.3 MB 4.49 Mbps 562 kB/s 176944719148 Xplornet history IutcRJqw1 share history



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Hello  Pgoodwin1, thank you for the reply, but the below pictures show what I am not understanding, and about calling them (my ISP Explornet the Only available where I am), there is no luck, I did call them several times, last time I called them they said that they see data speed is going to my modem at the rate between 0.5 to 1Mbps and on their end everything is fine, and when I said that I'm paying $139 for 10Mbps, they said "too bad, the only thing they can do is to lower my plan to 5Mbps so I will pay less.

But that's not the problem even if I would go for 5Mbps I will stil not get that as it drops to near 0Mbps at times.

That is why I'm trying to Understand/figure out what is going on with my connection, it can't be any trees or obstacles to the tower because between ~ 11:30pm and to about 3:pm the connection is usually 7 to 10Mbps but still the variation is pretty bad from minute to minute.

For the speed difference I could blame congestion/oversold tower but why this variation in speed?

One minute is 6Mbps and the next is 244Kbps, of course I test it with TMN because the "fake" Okla speed test shows always higher results, but since I read the whole TMN site, I know now why they show different/higher results.

Btw, I work for a computer shop and now I tell everyone about Testmy.net and to forget about speedtest.net !!!



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I’m not sure their answer “too bad, the only thing they can do is to lower my plan to 5Mbps so I will pay less.“ is even true. The fact that they are measuring only 1 Mbps from their end says there’s something terribly wrong. I would be persistent with them. Ask them if they can elevate the problem to a supervisor. Tell them you’re willing to pay the full price for their service if they can deliver what they sold you. It’s frustrating, but persistence with patience may work. If you call enough times, they may actually do something about it. 


It sounds from that answer they gave you that a person of low technical capability is answering your calls so be persistent about elevating the issue.


if there are other people in your area with the same service and plan, see if you can find out how theirs is working. If theirs has the same problem, then it’s a widespread problem they have. If theirs is faster and more consistent, then the issue would obviously be more localized. The ISP should be able to check other customer speeds in the area, and inform you what they found. Not sure I’d trust an answer from the first tier customer support people though since they told you 0.5 to 1 is all they can deliver on a 10 Mbps plan. I’d try to propose to a supervisor that they repeat connection tests to other customers. You checking independently if possible would be the best way.

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