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Bittorent hasn't shown me a nice speed ever!

I use a speedstrem 5100 and a dlink 624 router. 1.5 mbps down/384kbps up (runs usually at 1.3 and 350up on a good website)

But when i get to bittorent, i don't go over 20 usually ever.

Right now im dowloading  BROTHER IN ARMS with 3 seeds and 17 leechers in bittornado. I see people maxing out at over 150kBs and one guy at over 600kBs.

I did all instructions i found on the internet

Port fordwarded and port triggered just such as this guide tells me:http://www.portforward.com/dlink/di-624.htm

Made my pc dmz......errr what else?

I tried pretty much everything, i set bittornado to ports to its defaults and port fordwarded them in my router config.

How come can't i get decent speeds? Help! Please! I would really be satisfied if i would get like 80-100kBs, if not 150kBs.

Even if i max my upload out, which is around 38kBs i still get 10-20 kBs down while i can't surf anything.....

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i usually get 50-60kb/s on torrent downloads...i dont think its possible to get any faster when there is that little ppl sharing files - as far as i figured out, when using torrents you download usually around the same speed you upload at....my upload is limited at like 50-60kb/s which actually explains the slow torrent speeds :)

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I would give it time, be patient.

I am going to cover all my suggestions just in case.

D-link router

Advance, Applications, create a new entry, enable, name (bittorrent), trigger port 6881-6999, trigger type TCP, public port 6881-6999, public type TCP, apply.

Sometimes, limiting your upload rate will increase your download rate.

I would set it to around 80% of the maximum rate observed.

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I can never seem to get over 100kb on bt either, I know some sites have that ratio thing so when you don't upload they will make it so your download is capped untill you gett to an even dl/upl ratio... this has happened to me on indietorrents.com and boxtorrents.com. Might be part of your problem.

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Change the port from 6881 to any random 4-digit number in BT.  Some isp's have blocked certain ports because of the congestion BT causes on the internet.

www.lvllord.de has a SP2 concurrent connection changer on his site.  Download EvID4226Patch.exe when his site is back up and change the concurrent connection to 50-100.  That'll help a bunch.  By default, windows is limited to 10 concurrent connection to slow the spread of worms and stuff.  However, it also limits the amt of connections you can make before it stops, hence crappy speeds on BT (can't connect to more than 10 people... and you're surfing the net). 

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