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Way off topic. 


First, go ahead and call me out on the "squatty potty" in my search bar.  I love all of mine so much I happen to be buying one for another friend.  I then I see the knock-offs --- or hell, maybe this one's the original and is pissed that squatty potty got the gold.  wtf do I know about the squat wars(assuming that's what they'd call them)


I introduce, the Poop Stoop!  It's like squatty potty  SUPER pro!  Not joking, I think you have to have a hippie license to use it. 



"Get it GiiiiRL!"  -- Let it allllll hang out!


Casting director, "Can you... let it all... hang ou...."  

-- she lifts her arms up, points to her 'stash and then does jazz fingers all the way down to her hairy toes ---

Casting director, "YOU'VE GOT THE PART!"


By the way, if you need a squatty potty on the go... flip over your friends little bathroom trash can.  haha, better than nothing.  Seriously, after you've trained yourself (and your body) to s#!+ correctly... it feels stupid any other way.


If you aren't already doing this, btw it benefits everyone.  Look closely at our anatomy and what happens when we sit.  Your knees must be much higher than your hips for correct evacuation of the bowels.  Anatomy.     ..... "let it all hang out."  :evil6:


By the way - poopstoops.com was registered WAY after Squattypotty.com and far after the original Shark Tank airing.  Obvious to me who the OG is.  Didn't really need to search to know that but ...due diligence.     ...You need to check to make sure when unknown variables come into play.   Domain age isn't always a factor but in this case I think it is.



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The search for Shark Tank s06e09 shows that it was aired...


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November 14 2014, haha, N-14-14.  Seriously.  That's funny. --- Now I think that 14 is a lucky number for squatty potty.  N itself is 14 (N for November - 14th letter of the alphabet) ... then 14th day of the 14th year (of the 2nd millennia).  What a cool day for that company, rightfully so.


Be a flower child and let it all hang out.  Do you use one, what's your experience?  If not, have you heard of them?  Do you know the benefits?


#squat4life -- not like I hash tag or anything, just thought that's funny.



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I'm with you on this. And I should have thought to come up with it, never crossed my mind.

Back some years ago, I did a lot of jobs in the middle of no where. New construction, no bath, no porta, nothing. So I'd dig a small hole somewhere inconspicuous and have at it. never went so smooth and easy. And never put one thought to it as to why.

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