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why is it that when testing upload on waterfox, the test instantly just goes back to the main page after what looks like the initial test phase? doesn't matter if it's a combined test or just the upload test. don't have this issue using slimjet, firefox, chromium or naver whale browsers.


i'm using linux mint tina 19.2 and waterfox 56.2.14 which is most current version.

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don't know how you captured that test like that but sure wish i had your upload speed!! :)


edit; just tried a manual test and test ran, but at conclusion immediately went back to front page. don't see a screen capturing tool in waterfox like most browsers have.

2 hours ago, missmoondog said:

don't know how you captured that test like that but sure wish i had your upload speed!! :)


Captured with MacOS built in screen recording.


Ran the same test using a virtual machine... I wish I had this upload at home.


Sorry about the 800x600... didn't feel like doing drivers.  For some reason they weren't being detected properly.  ? 


This is actually even faster... if I multithread with more data.  I'm still developing this.



I've seen the same test result up to 980 Mbps on that connection, double confirmed by the network interface readings.

2 hours ago, missmoondog said:

edit; just tried a manual test and test ran, but at conclusion immediately went back to front page.


I'm looking into the reasons it may be programmed to send you back to the homepage. 


The only one I can think of off the top of my head is that it will do that if the post data required to make a calculation is missing.


Did you change any settings away from their default settings within Waterfox? 


edit: confirmed, the only time you can ever be sent from the results page directly to the homepage is if the post data is missing.  Maybe something in your Waterfox install is blocking the form data from being submitted properly.

Edited by CA3LE

i did change a few settings, but nothing any different than firefox. basically same settings in chromium and naver whale and they all work fine.


i don't ever make to the results page though. it throws me back to front page immediately after first run of upload. usually takes 3 runs to complete an upload test in other browsers. then i get to results page.

Is that Mint install fresh?  In my test I had a freshly installed Mint 19.2 and freshly installed Waterfox 56.2.14.


Maybe there's something else installed or configured on both of your systems preventing form data from posting correctly.


If this were coming from an internet protection program of some kind I'd expect to see the same results in all browsers.  But you said...


On 9/16/2019 at 7:21 AM, missmoondog said:

don't have this issue using slimjet, firefox, chromium or naver whale browsers.


In the past has it worked correctly?

no, not a "fresh" install. only fresh since the 19 release and been updated/upgraded since. the computer i was on in my last post above was a fresh install of mint 19.1 and then immediately upgraded to 19.2 though.


will have to do this tomorrow as not at home today. i did post a topic about this on the mint forums and, so far, 1 other person says they get the same thing happening.


this is that person's reply:

"It's the same here. Download tests work fine but the "old version" upload test does also work. There's an option toward the bottom right.

I did notice that in both site versions, the upload data amount isn't populated by default, but entering the desired amount in the new version still resulted in being bounced back to the home page. Necessary scripts allowed but will also see if disabling Ublock Origin for that site makes any difference"

4 hours ago, missmoondog said:

I did notice that in both site versions, the upload data amount isn't populated by default, but entering the desired amount in the new version still resulted in being bounced back to the home page. Necessary scripts allowed but will also see if disabling Ublock Origin for that site makes any difference


I didn't have ublock origin installed.  Once ublock origin is installed I can now see the problem... so I should be able to fix it now.  


I've confirmed what the contributor to the mint forums pointed out, it does work in the old version.  You can select and use that version with ublock enabled.


I need to look into the program and see what's different or what is triggering ublock.  ublock's own logger may help too.  Then either write a fix to the new code or add a rule to have it use the old upload test version in your situation, automatically.


I'll update this thread with what I find.

i didn't have any extensions installed on that one post above either and have disabled it on any other computers i've used in the course of this discussion. new test does work correctly even with ublock enabled in any other browser.


thanks for checking into it :)

I still need to investigate further.


For users who experience this issue in the future I've added the option to enable the upload test failsafe manually.  This uses the old upload test with the new version.


It detects when this has possibly happened and gives the user the option.



ok, at home and can test this stuff again. just tried the old version test and this is what i get when the upload test starts:


"\n<form target=\"_self\" method=\"post\" action=\"//testmy.net/results\" name=\"results_html\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"test_type\" value=\"upload\">\n\n\t\t<script>\n\t\t x = ((new Date()-1568897898929) / 1000);\n\t \t \n\t \t document.write('<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"align\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"top\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ta\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"x\" value=\"' + (x) + '\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"z\" value=\"262144\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step1_timed\" value=\"8.334\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step1_size\" value=\"103891086\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step1_validation\" value=\"qea4nN7Bv\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testall\" value=\"1\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nfw\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"noads\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"autoLink\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"noLoad\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"xMes\" value=\"1\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"maxDFS\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"maxUFS\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"minDFS\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"minUFS\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"xppzTDzfo\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_stringSizeVar\" value=\"131072\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"matrixDivision\" value=\"1\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI1\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI2\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI3\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI4\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI5\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI6\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI7\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI8\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI9\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI10\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI11\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI12\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI13\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI14\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI15\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI16\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI17\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI18\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI19\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI20\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"outsideSrc\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mirrorShare\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"partner\" value=\"\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ttime\" value=\"1568897899034\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"svrPort\" value=\"\" />');\t \n\t\t document.results_html.submit();\n\t\t</script>\n</form></body>\n</html>"

On 9/17/2019 at 11:18 AM, CA3LE said:

Post up your system info.


type "system information" in the search under the Mint menu.  Then take a screenshot for me please.




i do not get any results when inputting that into the search field!


is this what you're looking for:


System:   Kernel: 4.15.0-64-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc
           v: 7.4.0 Desktop: Xfce 4.12.3 tk: Gtk 2.24.31 wm: xfwm4 dm: LightDM
           Distro: Linux Mint 19.2 Tina base: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic
Machine:   Type: Desktop System: Dell product: OptiPlex 755 v: N/A serial: <filter> Chassis:
           type: 6 serial: <filter>
           Mobo: Dell model: 0GM819 serial: <filter> BIOS: Dell v: A22 date: 06/11/2012
CPU:       Topology: Dual Core model: Intel Core2 Duo E7500 bits: 64 type: MCP arch: Penryn rev: A
           L2 cache: 3072 KiB
           flags: lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 ssse3 vmx bogomips: 11704
           Speed: 1596 MHz min/max: N/A Core speeds (MHz): 1: 1596 2: 1617
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA G98 [GeForce 8400 GS Rev. 2] vendor: Micro-Star MSI driver: nvidia
           v: 340.107 bus ID: 01:00.0 chip ID: 10de:06e4
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.19.6 driver: nvidia
           unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,nouveau,vesa resolution: 1024x768~60Hz
           OpenGL: renderer: GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2 v: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.107 direct render: Yes
Audio:     Device-1: Intel 82801I HD Audio vendor: Dell Optiplex 755 driver: snd_hda_intel
           v: kernel bus ID: 00:1b.0 chip ID: 8086:293e
           Sound Server: ALSA v: k4.15.0-64-generic
Network:   Device-1: Intel 82566DM-2 Gigabit Network vendor: Dell OptiPlex 755 driver: e1000e
           v: 3.2.6-k port: ecc0 bus ID: 00:19.0 chip ID: 8086:10bd
           IF: enp0s25 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Drives:    Local Storage: total: 232.89 GiB used: 23.84 GiB (10.2%)
           ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Seagate model: ST3250318AS size: 232.89 GiB speed: 3.0 Gb/s
           serial: <filter>
Partition: ID-1: / size: 228.23 GiB used: 23.84 GiB (10.4%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1
USB:       Hub: 1-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 6 rev: 2.0 chip ID: 1d6b:0002
           Hub: 2-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 6 rev: 2.0 chip ID: 1d6b:0002
           Hub: 3-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 1.1 chip ID: 1d6b:0001
           Hub: 4-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 1.1 chip ID: 1d6b:0001
           Hub: 5-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 1.1 chip ID: 1d6b:0001
           Hub: 6-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 1.1 chip ID: 1d6b:0001
           Device-1: 6-1:2 info: Logitech Keyboard K120 type: Keyboard,HID
           driver: hid-generic,usbhid rev: 1.1 chip ID: 046d:c31c
           Device-2: 6-2:3 info: Chicony type: Mouse driver: hid-generic,usbhid rev: 2.0
           chip ID: 04f2:0939
           Hub: 7-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 1.1 chip ID: 1d6b:0001
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 35.0 C mobo: N/A gpu: nvidia temp: 55 C
           Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A
Repos:     No active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/naver-whale.list
           1: deb [arch=amd64] http: //repo.whale.naver.com/stable/deb/ stable main
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list
           1: deb http: //packages.linuxmint.com tina main upstream import backport
           2: deb http: //mirror.genesisadaptive.com/ubuntu bionic main restricted universe multiverse
           3: deb http: //mirror.genesisadaptive.com/ubuntu bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
           4: deb http: //mirror.genesisadaptive.com/ubuntu bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
           5: deb http: //security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-security main restricted universe multiverse
           6: deb http: //archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ bionic partner
Info:      Processes: 154 Uptime: 52m Memory: 7.66 GiB used: 1.15 GiB (15.0%) Init: systemd v: 237
           runlevel: 5 Compilers: gcc: 7.4.0 alt: 7 Client: Unknown python3.6 client inxi: 3.0.32


19 hours ago, CA3LE said:

I still need to investigate further.


For users who experience this issue in the future I've added the option to enable the upload test failsafe manually.  This uses the old upload test with the new version.


It detects when this has possibly happened and gives the user the option.





i'm not seeing that option anywhere!

fwiw, i can confirm the old version of test is working with waterfox on 2 computers that i've tried it on now. it worked with my usual changes in settings and ublock origin enabled.


edit: well, it's working sometimes! just tried another test and get same as above on one test i posted results of:


"\n<form target=\"_self\" method=\"post\" action=\"\/\/testmy.net\/results\" name=\"results_html\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"test_type\" value=\"upload\">\n\n\t\t<script>\n\t\t  x = ((new Date()-1569069858522) \/ 1000);\n\t  \t  \n\t  \t  document.write('<input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"align\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"top\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"ta\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"x\" value=\"' + (x) + '\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"z\" value=\"262144\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step1_timed\" value=\"9.475\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step1_size\" value=\"100043268\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step1_validation\" value=\"E25Xyh7dv\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testall\" value=\"1\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nfw\" value=\"\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"noads\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"autoLink\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"noLoad\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"xMes\" value=\"1\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"maxDFS\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"maxUFS\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"minDFS\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"minUFS\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"j-kgW9fMJ\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_stringSizeVar\" value=\"131072\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"matrixDivision\" value=\"1\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI1\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI2\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI3\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI4\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI5\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI6\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI7\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI8\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI9\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI10\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI11\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI12\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI13\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI14\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI15\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI16\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI17\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI18\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI19\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tI20\" value=\"\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"outsideSrc\" value=\"\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mirrorShare\" value=\"\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"partner\" value=\"\" \/><input  type=\"hidden\" name=\"ttime\" value=\"1569069858656\" \/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"svrPort\" value=\"\" \/>');\t \n\t\t  document.results_html.submit();\n\t\t<\/script>\n<\/form><\/body>\n<\/html>"


edit 2: appears to only work correctly when NOT signed in as above test that failed was when signed in. just tried test again after logging out and it worked fine, on the old test version, that is.

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