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your thoughts..........

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Guest helloimtim

I am considering getting a second hard drive. I thought about just putting a partition on this hard drive with is 80 gig and going with a dual boot setup that way. Seems like with xp trying to dual boot creates problems from everything I have seen. I want to play with Linux. Learn it and all that. Does it matter if I use an internal or external hard drive? I just thought an external would be easier to mess with and install. What do you think. I can use any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance.

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Well before you get a second hard drive, you should know that an external one would be a little slower and a little more expensive than in internal drive. I think an external drive needs a external power source too. Also if you get an external drive, it can be very easy to move from one comp to another. Other than that, I can guess that most everything else is the same.

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i dont know how much u want to play

but there is a version of linux u can run from a cd drive

so u insert a cd in the cd-room and u restart and linux starts just like a normal linux was installed

do u want me to find you the version of linux

i think its suze that does it

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