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As a new "HughesNet client" I am REALLY disappointed.  Before I purchased this CRAP service, I spoke with the Sales Rep about the unacceptable speed at my Latitude (approx Erie PA) with my last attempt with DISH, about 15 years ago...  He assured me I would have "AT LEAST 25Mbps, and maybe more" and that the old days are supplanted by HughesNet version 5, which has fixed everything.

Yeah, right.


The failure to allow Speedtest results is a concern, though a minor one (it's a "bog deal" to everyone who lives in the "real world" - which HughesNet obviously does NOT), but the failure of HughesNet to provide provide only HALF the promised speed on their twisted 'testmynet' results is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.


HughesNet: please respond!  Or let me out of this lying, stealing plan.


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I totally agree, I too am very disgusted with Hughs. The slow speed is just ridiculous and not just now due to COVID 19 its always slow and now its almost non existent. 

No way this should be a constant! 

I dont live that far in the woods in fact I dont at all! Shame the lines for fast internet service stop 1/2 a mile from my house!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same with T-Mobile, recently since the beginning of covid-19 data takes literally twice to three times longer than before covid-19. To the point that I’m switching service. For a company who supposedly has 5G already, the service acts like some hole in the wall wireless provider. Check out yahoo wireless, from what I hear they’re pretty good and on Verizon towers, and unlimited everything is only $40 flat!

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Ferver - Could you please explain what you mean about speedtest and also Hughesnet not being in the real world?  Because when I test my slowed to a crawl Hughesnet Gen5 speed with speedtest or speakeasy they show I am getting 3.3-3.6mbps download speeds but this site wants me to believe I'm getting about 35mbps. I don't think so.   Is that what you mean by not being in the real world?

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1 hour ago, 2whiteroses said:

Ferver - Could you please explain what you mean about speedtest and also Hughesnet not being in the real world?  Because when I test my slowed to a crawl Hughesnet Gen5 speed with speedtest or speakeasy they show I am getting 3.3-3.6mbps download speeds but this site wants me to believe I'm getting about 35mbps. I don't think so.   Is that what you mean by not being in the real world?


Most often it's the other way around.  Maybe there's some caching or proxy at play.  Try selecting different mirrors or click "Test My Download" to run the automatically sized test.  Using that option instead of manual selection may help defeat caching if it's occurring.  If we find that something like that is happening I'll make necessary revisions to prevent it in the future.  This has had to be done multiple times over the history of TestMy.net.

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CA3LE - Thank you for your quick reaction...  Before using Hughesnet's exact instruction on how to record speed tests, "Test My Download" was what I tried initially.  I had not tried using "mirror," but this time when I did and chose the location closest to mine, the recorded results were in line with previous tests recorded this time at 38.57mbps...  Immediately afterwards I checked speeds from speedtest.net and speakeasy and both recorded 3.04mbps or less.   My reality is that Hughesnet has slowed down for me so noticeably that I resorted to doing these tests just to be sure it wasn't just my imagination.  That being said, I am most certain that speedtest.net is providing more accurate estimate of true experienced speeds than what I am recroding here, especially since top speed's supposed to be limited to 25mbps.  Prior to this, I do not think I've resorted to speed testing in well over a full year. 

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34 minutes ago, 2whiteroses said:

I had not tried using "mirror," but this time when I did and chose the location closest to mine, the recorded results were in line with previous tests recorded this time at 38.57mbps...


Can you do two more test for me please.


Run a 100 MB manual test from https://testmy.net/download then at the top of the page click the "Multithread" option to turn it on... and then run another 100 MB.


Thank you.

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OK, this time I ran speedtest.net and speakeasy.net first and they gave me 2.7mbps and 1.8mbps.  I then tried to go directly via your link to testmy.net/download and got a "Corrupted Content Error" message,

"The site at https://testmy.net/ipb/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=redirect&url=https://testmy.net/download&key=8110317d6e7457aa6d78a795b9bd5dac77091639350ee02562a9c4dd68e87128&resource=&email=1&type=notification_new_comment has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.


The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected.


Please contact the website owners to inform them of this"


I then went directly to testme.net page and got in....  I did 3 100 mb tests.  The first said 41.9mbps, the second 37.5mbps and the third 35.3mbps....  I did the third one just to time how long it took to complete a test and it was 49 seconds to download the 100 mb file....   HOWEVER, each time I did a test I also got an "A script on the extension Norton Safe Web is causing Firefox to slow down" message but I "stopped" it immediately upon seeing it the third time to get as accurate a timing as possible...   I did not see a "multi=thread" option when I did these and the 100 mb download started immediately upon clicking on it as an option....  I did not record Upload speeds as Download is what matters most to me..   Incidentally I am positive both speedtest.net and speakeasy are reading MBPS not Kbps

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Ever since this epdect has happen my internet disappears alot faster. II'm paying for other people to use my data I cant afford it. Unlike people who work there not giving me more money I get a one shot deal and when hughesnet wants more me to pay more for more data I loose. I'm on limited in come and cant afford more money. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hughesnet is forcing all users to test speed here so they can cache the test files. It’s obvious when using the site when you compare it to others. 

it’s easy to tell what they cache and don’t on the downlinks. Popular files and sites are reasonably useful, but try to download some obscure 5MB file and you are likely to loose the connection and have repeated failures, all while Hughesnet count’s all the failures as usage. 

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On 4/26/2020 at 4:31 AM, ChrisK29 said:

Same with T-Mobile, recently since the beginning of covid-19 data takes literally twice to three times longer than before covid-19. To the point that I’m switching service. For a company who supposedly has 5G already, the service acts like some hole in the wall wireless provider. Check out yahoo wireless, from what I hear they’re pretty good and on Verizon towers, and unlimited everything is only $40 flat!


Funny Story -


I had T-mobile for years and years and years. Absolutely loved them. Back in the day if you went over your minutes or date, you just called them and they were eager to help. They would back date your service with a click of a button and get you out of hot water lickity split! I still to this day remember calling them and they were like " looks like you've been a customer for a long time! Let me take care of that for you! it was great. 


Than in 2009 i moved to Iowa and had to switch to Verizon, which was fine. 2 years later i moved back to Florida. I immediately went to a t-mobile store to switch back to my beloved service. I paid $400 to Verizon to cancel my service contract, an at that time, grandfathered plan at that. walked directly across the street to t-mobile to re-start my service, especially since they were claiming to have the fastest 4G speeds anywhere. The phone cost me just under $300 for whatever the best phone they offered at the time. After i left i almost immediately noticed, the speeds were dog shit slow, and the service was spotty. i went back across town to ask wtf is going on, and they guys at the store directed me to call the customer service number. They couldn't care less, that was there go to answer. Call customer service. 


I called customer service and asked wtf is goin on? They explained that in Sarasota, where i was located, the coverage was "ok at best".they were "working on expanding the towers in a few months". higher traffic areas like Tampa, Miami, etc see much better speeds. This doesn't do shit for me. i dont live in other cities... -_-  I explained to the customer service rep that that was unacceptable, and that they needed to figure it out, or get some kind of extending bill credit until they fix their coverage. They guy couldn't care less either. I told him i was a customer for over 11 yrs and that was not going to work, i would cancel my service with them. He LITERALLY said "Ok sounds good" and hung up. 


I walked back into the t-mobile and explained what happened they they just shrugged. $200 later, i canceled my phone service with t-mobile and NEVER.... will i go back again. $900 in 3 hours wasted. Went back to Verizon and started a "new customer service" and used my phone i had anyhow. Horrid, crap company now a days.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/16/2020 at 12:28 PM, xs1 said:


Funny Story -


I had T-mobile for years and years and years. Absolutely loved them. Back in the day if you went over your minutes or date, you just called them and they were eager to help. They would back date your service with a click of a button and get you out of hot water lickity split! I still to this day remember calling them and they were like " looks like you've been a customer for a long time! Let me take care of that for you! it was great. 


Than in 2009 i moved to Iowa and had to switch to Verizon, which was fine. 2 years later i moved back to Florida. I immediately went to a t-mobile store to switch back to my beloved service. I paid $400 to Verizon to cancel my service contract, an at that time, grandfathered plan at that. walked directly across the street to t-mobile to re-start my service, especially since they were claiming to have the fastest 4G speeds anywhere. The phone cost me just under $300 for whatever the best phone they offered at the time. After i left i almost immediately noticed, the speeds were dog shit slow, and the service was spotty. i went back across town to ask wtf is going on, and they guys at the store directed me to call the customer service number. They couldn't care less, that was there go to answer. Call customer service. 


I called customer service and asked wtf is goin on? They explained that in Sarasota, where i was located, the coverage was "ok at best".they were "working on expanding the towers in a few months". higher traffic areas like Tampa, Miami, etc see much better speeds. This doesn't do shit for me. i dont live in other cities... -_-  I explained to the customer service rep that that was unacceptable, and that they needed to figure it out, or get some kind of extending bill credit until they fix their coverage. They guy couldn't care less either. I told him i was a customer for over 11 yrs and that was not going to work, i would cancel my service with them. He LITERALLY said "Ok sounds good" and hung up. 


I walked back into the t-mobile and explained what happened they they just shrugged. $200 later, i canceled my phone service with t-mobile and NEVER.... will i go back again. $900 in 3 hours wasted. Went back to Verizon and started a "new customer service" and used my phone i had anyhow. Horrid, crap company now a days.



you should have just use their service until contract ends since you paid for it anyway. it's better to have a backup ISP/telcom. beats being in a smalltown with only 1 option.
alternatively ask your bank to retract payment to t-mobile, though i heard USA banks don't allow that because they love businesses more than your consumer rights.

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