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Hi johnstonf, welcome!


When someone else views your results they see them in their own timezone.  It may initially show them GMT on the first page load. After the timezone is detected it remembers it in your browser.


You can click on "CT" (above the date field in the details below the graph) to display using the timezone of the person who took the test.


Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at 2.35.28 PM.png

Here you see I'm in GMT -7, about to click the Client Time link.


If you'd like to share results using your timezone append ?clientTime=1 to your results URL.


e.g. https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf?clientTime=1


Hope this helps, Happy Testing!

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My iframe embed seems to also be a problem with this (timezone thing)...


my iframe embed looks like:

<a href="https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf&f=1">johnstonf's's Speed Test Results</a><iframe loading="lazy" src="https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf&f=1" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" height="435" width="100%"></iframe>



Is the &f=1 referring to my timezone, or can i somehow force that to my timezone in the same way?  (What should the url look like?)


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Correct link structure looks like this...


<a href="https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf?clientTime=1">johnstonf's Speed Test Results</a><iframe loading="lazy" src="https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf?clientTime=1&f=1" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="435" width="100%"></iframe>


I made it so it adds that for you automatically now. If you open your results with the clientTime url the output of the embed button will add that variable to the code for you.


I'll make changes to the UI later so that's not a hidden function.


Thank you

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fyi, first one below fails, 2nd one works (timezone)... ideas why?

thanks, Fred


<a href="https://testmy.net/compID/18913838197374?clientTime=1&f=1">18913838197374's Speed Test Results</a><iframe loading="lazy" src="https://testmy.net/compID/18913838197374?clientTime=1&f=1" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" height="435" width="100%"></iframe>


<a href="https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf?clientTime=1&f=1">johnstonf's's Speed Test Results</a><iframe loading="lazy" src="https://testmy.net/quickstats/johnstonf?clientTime=1&f=1" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" height="435" width="100%"></iframe>


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Hi Fred,


Let me explain first a little on how this part works on the backend.


  • When you first visit TestMy.net uses your IP address, it creates an anonymous "computer ID". This ID is unique to TestMy.net. TMN generates it based on your IP but for your privacy not even TestMy.net can reverse the number back into an IP from the computer ID alone.
  • When you sign in testmy.net stores the same account details as before, except it points the database to your username. Saving tables by username instead of compID.
  • When client results are queried, by compID or username, the database looks to the user's settings to check the timezone for that client.


I tried the same test on my own results using my computer ID and encountered a sort of bug. Closer inspection reviled the associated data, pulled from the database, for the GMT offset was showing blank. I then went to a different browser, where I wasn't signed in to check if it was setting the data correctly. The simple action of me hitting that page then fixed the bug by setting that associated data correctly in the database. So it corrected itself. But now I'm like, "what did that?"


So I'm not too sure what's happening there. I'm going to have to do testing to find how that got saved in the database as blank. Whatever it is, it effected my own results as well.


It's best to make sure you're always signed in when testing and then just share the username results that come up when you click My Results.


5 hours ago, johnstonf said:

(Where are all the options documented?  (Like now I'm curious what &f=1 is for, etc LoL)


Sorry I don't have much documentation outside of discussion in the forum here. But I encourage people to hack the variables here to make TMN do different things.


Sometimes there are clues like &f=1 but there are hundreds of variables that are hidden. Here's an example where you can output ISP speed test results to csv or json.


https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable&csvout=1 (outputs full array in CSV)

https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable&csvout=2&monthsback=6 (outputs download, upload and latency averages in CSV)

https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable&csvout=1&easycsv=1 (outputs full array in CSV)

https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable&csvout=2&easycsv=1&monthsback=6 (outputs download, upload and latency averages in CSV)


One of those things I built to help someone in a specific case (researching broadband speed for a project) and never reviled it in the UI. There are entire other layers that tie into that function, it does all kinds of neat things.  Where for instance you enter an array of cities (or ISPs, countries, etc) and it aggregates all of the data. Insanely quick too, fully customizable you can aggregate lists of thousands of cities in a blink... where it's pulling the averages for each individual city and aggregating all of the data together.


I spent weeks working with that guy, building a pretty amazing function, one that surprised me... and then shared it with that one guy.  lol, done this too many times to count. I'll have to pull up that conversation to figure out how all of that works again. 🤔 --- and then share it.


There are also cases where I build functionality for myself and then never revile it in the UI.


&f=1 is a variable that tells the site the content is framed, inside of an iframe. This remove the header and footer on any existing page. Makes things easier to maintain because all code references one code base. Instead of making a separate program to pull stats in that iframe I use the same program but give you a switch you can flip to cause the page to be generated differently. There are ways I could obfuscate or limit this functionality to the client but I like giving you the control... you might want to use it in a different way than I intended but that's the entire idea to how TMN works.



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Thank you Fred,


Yes, I'm the developer behind all of TestMy.net. I taught myself how to program just so I could build this... and am still learning, every day well over 20 years later. I've had to become an expert in many fields to run this. Programming is just one aspect. Happens to be my favorite one and I wish I could just focus on that. Maybe one day.


I look forward to you seeing TestMy.net grow too. The new tools I'm brewing up right now are many years in the making and I can't wait to share them with everyone.


- Damon

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