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Error Msg: "Where did that go? Maybe it was never here! Your search returned zero results. You searched for..."

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I'm getting the error:
"Where did that go? Maybe it was never here! Your search returned zero results. You searched for..."
I searched and found this old thread.



I tried the suggestion of using this URL suffixed with my username, and get the same error message.



Any suggestions welcome 🤗



Edited by CA3LE
link correction

Hi CA3LE, thanks for your responses.

No, I've just discovered the fantastic(ish) testmy.net


I did try some shorter initial tests without signing up, which, ironically, worked great 🤣


I only set up one username AFAIK (I used only one of my email addys throughout, starting with EPS -if you can see that) although the setup sent me around in circles repeatedly, not liking my attempts at a PSWD... using Uc, Lc, a No. & a special character.


I'm an IT teacher, formerly an IT technician, so like to think 😬 I'm reasonably competent in such things... But an ready & willing to b schooled if it's me that's fecked up rather than the site's database 👍

Have you tried running any speed tests since you signed in?


Your IP may have changed since you signed up, I don't see any results under your address.


If you ran tests... they're in the database.  If you have a record of old IP addresses you can pull them up using TMN IPTools. But if you don't they can be hard to find.


But I do have some tricks up my sleeve.


I have as old function built into the site back in 2013 that's still tracking all TMN visitor IP changes.  I have a frontend for it, would need to search and figure out where it is and develop it.


Luckily I can just dig into the database. Searching your current computer ID to find related IDs, which indicates that your IP changed.


select * from `related` WHERE `COMP_ID` = '7312112261';
| COMP_ID    | User_Name | related    | parent      | Date                |
| 7312112261 |           | 8458742220 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-28 14:42:17 |


Looks like you once had the computer ID 8458742220,  Do these results look familiar? (don't know why I'm asking... it's your results, I can even see the 10 minute auto test interval, lol)


?t=c&l=50&q=8458742220's Speed Test Results


Pretty cool it's still doing its job after being forgotten about.  I'll make sure it's in the next version so you all can track your IP changes, even before you signed up.


Your IP address has changed quite a bit, pretty frequently.


When I query the common 'parent' we see all the changes

select * from `related` WHERE `parent` = '73121345303';
| COMP_ID     | User_Name | related     | parent      | Date                |
| 7312112261  |           | 8458742220  | 73121345303 | 2022-12-28 14:42:17 |
| 8458742220  |           | 84587587574 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-27 18:08:43 |
| 84587587574 |           | 19284700210 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-27 06:59:22 |
| 19284700210 |           | 73121432330 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 16:31:32 |
| 73121432330 |           | 73121436915 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 09:54:17 |
| 73121436915 |           | 73121345303 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 09:44:12 |
| 73121345303 |           |             | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 09:33:07 |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)


  1. https://testmy.net/compID/8458742220
  2. https://testmy.net/compID/84587587574
  3. https://testmy.net/compID/19284700210
  4. https://testmy.net/compID/73121432330
  5. https://testmy.net/compID/73121436915
  6. https://testmy.net/compID/73121345303


That's a lot of IP changes!


I look at other Talktalk users and see them testing for weeks before an IP change. Some other ISPs don't change your IP unless you change your modem or request a new IP.


From what I see, in general Talktalk changes user IPs more frequently.


As long as you're signed in I'll save your results by username, so it won't matter if your IP changes. Just make sure you sign in.


I have some ideas for how I can make this less confusing for my users in the future. For now, anyone else who loses track of previous speed test results -- let me know and I'll try to help.


Let me know if this helps!

Fantastic work CA3LE ! 👍

Yes, that sounds COMPLETELY plausible (even after several beers this evening)

I'd not checked out my IP changes, though guess I could have done via my mac's log file an/or the routers log.

There's so much going on I've hardly known where to begin TBH.

My connection seems to regularly struggle for a few minutes at a time. Most noticeably whilst streaming TV. It starts playing up, I do a speed test, it tests out okay and streaming restarts, a few minutes later it's down, or struggling again... the graphs illustrate that perfectly.


I had one of their helpline techs on the phone line the other night, he was surprised that he was seeing my router appear and disappear from his view every couple of minutes whilst running tests & apparently setting up for longer term tests. 

I was considering scripting something to run locally but decided to try a web search first and decided on trying testmy.net as it seemed (now confirmed, many thanks for your efforts & support) a great option.

This gives me some great ammo to go back to them with. I suspect there may be weather-related problems going on here as we've had our coldest weather for some considerable time here (north east UK) and a LOT of rain in the last few weeks.

I've been looking at upgrading from old 'copper line ADSL' to fibre (FTTP), which has recently arrived here (though I'm close to the town centre in a well populated area) but need to set aside some time to research & evaluate it against 5G and fibre/5G hybrid systems before I splash the cash and/or get tied in for a minimum term 🤦


30 minutes ago, RealScotty said:

My connection seems to regularly struggle for a few minutes at a time. Most noticeably whilst streaming TV. It starts playing up, I do a speed test, it tests out okay and streaming restarts, a few minutes later it's down, or struggling again... the graphs illustrate that perfectly.


That symptom, combined with the extremely frequent IP changes... I think you're being kicked offline and back online. Old telco wiring could definitely be to blame. Lot's of things could be happening.


If you need even more ammo, I might be able to start up an early beta of a new, more detailed tool I'm developing... made for your exact situation. Where you can clearly show every instance when your connection drops out. And you'll know when it happens so you can investigate right away.



Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 7.29.51 PM-sm.png

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