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Project-Based Result Aggregation

Go to solution Solved by CA3LE,

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I run a company that does network installation, testing, certification, and remediation, and one of the services I offer currently is a wireless signal map. I also currently run multiple speed-tests from different rooms on each site and aggregate those results into a map as well. At the moment, I run them via Speedtest.net, and save the result into an excel spreadsheet manually.


It would be handy if I could use TMN natively for it, by starting a "project" and then being able to label tests by room/location and Wireless connection type (b/g or n/ac most often) so that I can export all the results into one file to pull them into my final report. It would also be nice to have those results long-term, so that if I get a client call-back for another round of testing I can compare to the old project to see if anything has changed.

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You can kinda do that right now, by using identifiers.


Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 7.46.51 AM.png


Then take note of the date, later query the database for that date range to only pull the results theoretically from the one site.  Maybe make a separate TMN account for these type of results.


I intend on making it much easier to organize in your situation by incorporating sub accounts.  Which will help keep track of multiple overall scenarios.  I like the name you just came up with, My Projects.


Bumping this up in my to-do list.

Honestly I would pay $10-20/mo for a service (i.e. "TMN Enterprise") where I could add projects, then add buildings/floors/rooms within that project and take sampled results that I can then export either to a file or via an API. It would be nice to have a little parity in concept with the way my Fluke's work, like the below screenshot.


Typically, when I use the LIQ-100 or DSX2-8000 I:

1. Setup a project within the device

2. Run a test / measurement

3. Save the test / measurement with the patch number or some other label indication

4. Export into Fluke LinkWare for PC

5. Create the facility structure and sort the results into the proper location

6. Generate a PDF from the results to send to the client




With TMN, I would imagine (and prefer) a workflow like the following:


1. Setup a project

2. Setup the location / further structure, such as the floor, etc.

3. Run a test

4. Save the test to the project (or not) with a name (such as "Room", etc.)

5. Export the results as a CSV, JSON, or have an API to retrieve them so they can be dumped into a PDF later


Often, if I'm trying to do a speed test at a client site, I'm doing it either on a client PC, or I'm doing wireless testing with my laptop. Having a platform where I could log the test to my project(s) without having to totally log into TMN would be nice as well. I.e. having some type of Username -> MFA Authenticator app request to save the one result to my projects would be awesome.


These are just some thoughts, would be nice to have a speed-test tool I could speak to that functioned in a useful way. Even a "My Projects" would be a great start, at least then I can start using my laptop to do client-site testing and troubleshooting.

Alright, it's coming along very nicely.


I'm able to enter a project name and sub name (if desired).  TMN then generates a short, friendly URL and puts it on your list.  When you visit the URL it greets the client and ties that computer to the project for 30 days.  The URL is the sign-in.


From your project list you can see how many results each has and query the results as you normally do.  Then export the results.  Everything in the database works the same.  Add extra identifiers on top of this to further differentiate. 


Just need to give it some logic for aggregating each projects sub-projects into one query, then polish the UI a little more and you can get working with the program immediately.  I think it will make things easier for you.


After I read your post on Wednesday I meditated for what felt like only 15 minutes, plotted it all out.  And then it just poured out onto my keyboard.  Your details helped me visualize.  TMN's framework helped put it together quickly... it was pretty much written, just had to give it instructions for this scenario.


I'm making this specifically for you and don't really care if anyone else uses it.  Original Members get original tools!

6 hours ago, CA3LE said:

Next I'm adding some QR codes like this one, for the secret URLs.





Any way it can be setup to work in reverse? I.e. allow me to be on a desktop / laptop computer at a client site and scan it with my phone to add the test(s) to the project?

You can't add tests that have already been performed.  This works by creating side databases and then querying the new data stored.


You would create a project (just enter a name), it then generates a URL (a simple 5 character key).  After you visit the URL on the client machine it instructs TMN to additionally store the results in the project's side database.


You'd then run your tests, going from area to area... giving each unique sub ID's.  Along the way from the My Project screen you'll see the number of results and averages for each sub-project.  You can then query each database individually.  After the system sees that 2 or more sub-project databases have results for a given project it will then display the option to aggregate the databases together for you on the fly.  From that you can see all of the results and differentiate between each of your sub-projects results.  You can then click 'export' and dump all the results to CSV, again aggregated with all of the data included to help you differentiate the results.


I think this will be especially helpful for your use case but home users can benefit as well.  Being able to go from room to room and quickly switch the project to help build a map of possible weak areas.  It's like identifiers on a much deeper level... and then the identifiers can be used on top of this if that helps some people.


Great idea dude, I can't wait for you to put it to use.


I don't know how useful QR codes will really be... but I'm having fun.  :-P 


9 hours ago, CA3LE said:

You can't add tests that have already been performed.  This works by creating side databases and then querying the new data stored.


You would create a project (just enter a name), it then generates a URL (a simple 5 character key).  After you visit the URL on the client machine it instructs TMN to additionally store the results in the project's side database.


You'd then run your tests, going from area to area... giving each unique sub ID's.  Along the way from the My Project screen you'll see the number of results and averages for each sub-project.  You can then query each database individually.  After the system sees that 2 or more sub-project databases have results for a given project it will then display the option to aggregate the databases together for you on the fly.  From that you can see all of the results and differentiate between each of your sub-projects results.  You can then click 'export' and dump all the results to CSV, again aggregated with all of the data included to help you differentiate the results.


I think this will be especially helpful for your use case but home users can benefit as well.  Being able to go from room to room and quickly switch the project to help build a map of possible weak areas.  It's like identifiers on a much deeper level... and then the identifiers can be used on top of this if that helps some people.


Great idea dude, I can't wait for you to put it to use.


I don't know how useful QR codes will really be... but I'm having fun.  :-P 


Wonder if it could be done pre-test then, similar to how HBO Max and such let me use my phone to scan a QR code to attach the TV/device to my account.


1. Open TMN on target computer

2. Click "I have a project under another account"

3. Page opens QR Code

4. Open TMN on phone authenticated to my account

5. Open camera and scan QR Code from #3

6. Add target computer to account for 24 hours (simple cookie with the info would suffice)

7. Run tests from target computer


Just spitballing ideas, would make it pretty painless to use this way and sticks pretty much to your original plan.

Ahhhh, I see.  I can definitely work that in there.  Great idea... super slick.


I'll add that, need to also add pagination (for when you have many projects listed).  Added search functionality last night, pretty cool predictive search.  Where pulls and displays the search results while you're typing.  First time I've done that, it's really nice.


After those elements are complete I'll reset it's databases and put it through real-world testing.  After I've tested some more I'll get it out to you.


Might be the fastest turn around I've done for a request, ever.  And this isn't some small thing, I've been working solid on it since Wednesday.  The main controller for this part of the program is currently 44 kB and then hooks had to be created across the rest of the program to make it play with everything.  Probably another 30 kB.  So I estimate about 74,000 characters.  And that's employing my goal of writing as little code as possible to get the same thing done.  ... I'm not just slapping crap together, you'll see.


I wrote it and I'm not sure how because it's been less than a week (not even 5 days yet actually).  And I didn't touch the keys until day 2, lol.  --- seriously, funny thing is I don't feel like I've done anything.  It built itself.


Very useful functionality, as it's coming together I can see how it will benefit many more use cases.  Can't wait to share it with you.

19 hours ago, CA3LE said:

I wrote it and I'm not sure how because it's been less than a week (not even 5 days yet actually).  And I didn't touch the keys until day 2, lol.  --- seriously, funny thing is I don't feel like I've done anything.  It built itself.

If you build a good system things naturally fall into place.

Well it's definitely falling into place.  QR authorization done.


You can now have your phone signed in, then go from computer to computer and scan the QR code.  A couple seconds, it links up and then asks you which projected to add it to.  Once you select, the target computer magically gets authorized.  It's really cool.  Again, great idea Elliot.


Coming together nicely.  I'll be hitting you up for real-world testing as soon as I finish my testing.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/20/2023 at 8:37 AM, CA3LE said:

I'll have it ready before then for sure. 😉


I did have it ready for you but wanted to run some more tests.


Been busy with family since my last post.  Volunteered for my daughter's 6th grade YMCA camping trip, which was awesome!  My wife was only days from her due date but she always runs a couple weeks longer.  I also had a friend with me who had a satellite phone and was only maybe 70-90 minutes from getting to the hospital if needed.  I get to the camp and find that although there's definitely no cell service... they have wifi setup for the school.  lol, glamping. 


Anyways, we got back and I under estimated the time needed to get ready.  Before I knew it we were having a baby. 


Reign was born 9/26/2023 9lbs 12oz 22in


My youngest daughter Reagan holding him, first moments at home.  I have 5 kids now. :) 


While I moved around the hospital for 72 hours I was able to quickly make and add to projects, search, select, have results saved on those special side databases and then at the end aggregate them all together. 


I want to run though testing the QR Auth again.  In all of my previous testing so far it's working as expected.  You pull up the Pro Auth page on the device you want to test, scan the QR code on your phone (signed in to TMN), your phone asks you to either create a new project or assign the device to an existing project.  As soon as it's selected the target device gets a signal and then the browser's results get tied to your special side database.


In use I thought of some things to improve the experience but I think what's laid down so far makes a good version 1.  For your use case it might just make your life easier.


When I'm able to I'll give it another go over, when satisfied with how it's working for me I'll open it up for your username first.  Once you're happy with the operation we'll share it with the rest of our beta testers.


The code base on this increased 35% from the 18th to the 25th.  So quite a bit more logic has been added since I was already getting excited.  Hope you dig it.

@nanobot Look for "My Projects" under DB in the main menu (outside of the forum).


Play around with it and share your thoughts.


Note, results will only be saved when using the beta version (for now).  When you join a project it will default the target device to the beta automatically.


Another note, you can use emojis in names if you'd like.  Pretty fun. ;) 

5 hours ago, CA3LE said:

@nanobot Look for "My Projects" under DB in the main menu (outside of the forum).


Play around with it and share your thoughts.


Note, results will only be saved when using the beta version (for now).  When you join a project it will default the target device to the beta automatically.


Another note, you can use emojis in names if you'd like.  Pretty fun. ;) 

Beautiful! I will play with it later today, I have about 9 hours of meetings today.


Also -- congrats on the new family member! Always exciting, make sure you spend plenty of time with your new baby, my projects are far less important.

I found a bug already 🤣


Not a major concern from my end, but an ampersand in the project or sub-project name causes a mild issue. I entered `AT&T` for both parameters in this screenshot:


Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 09.29.00.png


I was trying to enter "EBrown Home" for Project, and "AT&T LTE" for the sub-project when I found the issue:


Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 09.29.16.png


However, on the bright side: the QR Code at the device-signup page worked exactly as I would hope it does. I scanned it with my phone and it pulled right in, as desired.

6 hours ago, nanobot said:

I found a bug already 🤣

...I entered `AT&T` for both parameters in this screenshot:

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 09.29.00.png

I was trying to enter "EBrown Home" for Project, and "AT&T LTE" for the sub-project when I found the issue:

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 09.29.16.png


Good catch.  It's now encoding properly for that instance.


Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 2.26.42 PM.png


6 hours ago, nanobot said:

However, on the bright side: the QR Code at the device-signup page worked exactly as I would hope it does. I scanned it with my phone and it pulled right in, as desired.


Sweet.  I hope it helps.

  • 2 weeks later...
30 minutes ago, nanobot said:

@CA3LE Btw, not sure if it's related, I'm getting an error after running tests, the "Try Again" button resolves it and the results load.


I enabled additional error logging last night on My Projects but made a typo.  Resolved now, thank you.

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