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Download report of maximum and minimum speed

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Hi @Sencinet -- Welcome!


I can see how this will be very helpful.


It's not easily possible with the current version.  But the beta has better database structure, more is possible.


I've added a minimum column and it's saving that data with the result.  After you've gathered some results with the beta I'll program some tricks to make it do what you're looking for.  A new column needed to be added to do this most efficiently.


I'll probably add a button that says "show minimum speeds" -- you'll then be able to use TMN's normal graphing functions and export to CSV.


BTW, the beta version does a pre-test to warm up the connection, which is additionally beneficial in this instance.  The minimum I'm saving is only taken from the final result, not pre-test.

Hi Ca3le


Many thanks for your response, the pre-test look like a good solution to have the connection warm and active more bandwith specially for satellite connection,  and adding a minimum bw column and even a maximum bw column will be a really good improvement.


I see that I need to vote in some forum to join the beta group, or could you please add me and send me the link.


Again many thanks.

1 hour ago, Sencinet said:

What a bunch of improvements, you are a rock star...


Thank you.


1 hour ago, Sencinet said:

How I can to donwnload a report of all test, with the min and max values? is posible?


Not possible yet, I need to rewrite the export program and modify the db_search tool for it to be able to read the data.


You've run enough tests to give me some good data to work from.  I need to think about it for a little bit and then I'll get crackin'.


I see your upload speed on the beta is much higher.  This is because it's multithreaded, opening concurrent connections.  Look like Starlink favors that... but you should still periodically run tests with the current upload test.  I'm working to make the single thread upload test work with the beta, it better represents what you can expect to get in a single stream or file download.  Multithreading can be misleading... unless that's how you use your connection.  A bunch of smaller, concurrent uploads and downloads... I do that sometimes, with torrents or just having a lot of devices... but most of the time, when I care, it's a single file I'm waiting on.  Single threaded performance is always at the core most important, in all computing.


You're seeing 20-30 Mbps multithreaded but only 5 Mbps in a single thread operation.  I personally call that 5 Mbps, not 20.  In other words, you need to open 4-6 multiple uploads to get up to speed.  But if you wanted to stream video, you'd want to keep it under 5 Mbps (I'd say 3 Mbps to be safe)... because it won't be able to handle more than that.


I want to give people the bigger number for bragging rights but that doesn't help anyone.  The only way to improve is to know the truth.


So if you're curious why the results are so much greater, it's because it's not the same test.  The current beta is my first multithreaded upload test, completely different method and way that the data is uploaded.  Gives your connection opportunity to stretch its legs a bit more.  Both tests are valid and important information.  Tested from different perspectives.


Download has both single (linear) and multithreaded in both versions, toggle that setting under "Tune ☆".

Hi Ca3le


I take some reviews using the the multithread and "single" test, and the single test is much better that multithreat, I am thinking on that, becouse have more servers saturating a connection must be the best option, but like satellite options using dynamic assignemt like tdma or fdma for upload and is a shared media looks that could be that Starlink protect itself for multitrhead delivery to protect his backbone.


I test in other enviroments using a multiflows froma single source and give better results that using a single one, but I think the winner aproach is as you mention have a warm period, in other solution even delimite the measure time to try to only measure in the peak rate, like out a pause time of 10 second and meause only for 20 seconds.


I will continue doing more test at leats for the next 3 weeks.





As soon as I posted my response to you on Wednesday I got into building the single thread upload test into the new version.  That inconsistency has been driving me nuts, that it's missing that super important element.  That's what makes TMN different.


It's been insanely hard to work that into the new test.  The new version was first built as a multithread test in proof of concept - @xs1 requested a multithread upload test.  Adding the single thread download test to that was simple, bing-bang-boom.  But the single thread upload test is at least 10 times as hard to program.  Even though it's already built... working it into the new program has been a challenge for sure.


Anyways, I did it.  It works really good too, graphing the results.  Stripped to the essential functions.  Tested it up to 500 MB... works awesome.  I'll publish the update soon. 




I'm stoked!


You can but the system may disallow you or kick you out.  I used to be more free with that stuff but it was too heavily abused.  Originally I actually designed all the URLs to be driven by other's remote programs.


I have another beta for a program you may be interested in.  Called My Sensor, once enabled it gives you remote control over any computer that you visit TMN on.  You can then just let it run, send remote test commands and get a constant stream of data on the connection.  Uses almost no bandwidth (unless you tell it to test). --- it's been a very difficult project and I'm not ready to share it yet.  I've personally been running it non-stop for over 4 years, works awesome really.  Keeps getting better but it's still not ready for prime time yet.


The linear upload is working in the beta now.  ;)


As for your export options, I still need to build that out.  Went on a tangent with the linear upload test. 🤣 🤪


I did notice that the columns that I'm saving those numbers to need to be altered.  The pre-planned extra columns I used are int and I need them to be decimal.  A problem because the numbers are in MB/s (saves a little space in the database being a smaller number).  When it's saved in an int column it causes the number to be rounded. 5.49 MB/s may become 5 MB/s for example.  An over 7 Mbps difference, which is unacceptable.  So I need to alter that table.  Your (high/low) results before I make that change will be rounded.


Yes, I could just store that in Mbps on those columns and call it a day but that would bother me.  Alter table is easy now in beta, much harder when it's live with millions of results.  The beta has still only run less than 2 days worth of tests that the production version does.


I'll get that table altered and then build out the functionality to go with it over the next few days. ;) 

Very nice.  Expected, right in line with your results from the production version.


If you'd like to use the previous behavior and test multithread you can always Tune ☆ and toggle the option.

Hi Ca3le


Minutes ago a test using with and without Multithread option; with mutithread on result for down is 37/2,4, with multithread off is 82/4.


Looks that we obtain better result before the latest update; I tests using speed test and speed is 250/30.



The latest update didn't have any changes to multithread so if you're seeing lower results there is another reason.


Keep in mind, speedtest.net ≠ testmy.net.


Compare with the beta on vs off.  You should get very similar results comparing against similar variables using the new vs legacy tests.

Looks like you found the Tune option and are enabling and disabling multithread now.


Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 8.18.15 AM.png


I see yesterday and today your upload speed has improved.


When comparing the beta and production version make sure you're comparing apples to apples.  Multithread compared to multithread and Linear (single thread) compared to Linear.  And keep in mind that only the beta has a multithread upload test and the beta multithread test also splits the file into more pieces than the current production version. (3X as many).  This can make the beta multithread test stress a connection more than the current version... depending on the device being tested.  Still, comparing apples to apples, it should be very similar between the beta and production. 


The method that the data is rendered can make a huge difference, this is why I offer these options.  You're testing different aspects when you toggle multithread on and off.

... and I'm aware that there's no way currently to filter the beta multithread results.  You'll have this option soon.


I'm doing it slightly different so that the multithread ID and server ID are both being stored, where before it was just identified as "multithread".  Before you'd have to click details to see the server locale being tested.


But now I need to resolve it in the search functions to give you the ability to filter for multithread.


I think I'll end up with search options like multithread=>(include | exclude | only) and then you'll still have the identifier dropdown list that you can use in combination with that.


Again, just a heads up, I'm aware that you can't search that way yet.  I just wanted to take a few days to think about how I want to resolve that.


... you can filter them out of your results right now, by selecting a server locale identifier from the dropdown.  For instance, if you've tested Dallas with both multithread and linear, selecting Dallas from the dropdown will only display the Linear results.

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