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To many open connections? need help

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alright, this is kinda weird i think, when im not downloading anything the internet works great, our network at our house is a linksys WRT54G, and im connected by a wireless desktop card, pretty good signal, the cable modem is, motorolla, SB5100(i think thats the numbers) its the 5 one i know that, and when i download something say from bittorrent or shareaza, legal stuff of course, the internet will on sites and stuff will slow down so much that it cant open up sites, i have Windows Xp Home, SP2, with fix, and it jsut dosent slow my computer down, but it affects the whole network

help would be appreicated, thank you guys, love the site, just became a member but been here for a bit just reading and testing

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hey brock01 and welcome to the forum :)

are you running any tweaks beside p2p fix "EvID4226Patch211a-en" ?

also you can try changing the number to 100

or reset it to default 10 and compare


Intelligent TCPIP.SYS patcher / EventID 4226 patch            Version 2.11a

© 2004 LvlLord (www.LvlLord.de)          use parameter /? for more options

This program is in development. Visit http://www.LvlLord.de for a new version


- Windows mode

- Retrieved windows directory: C:WINDOWS

- 'Windows XP SP2 or newer' TCPIP.SYS detected ...

- Build of TCPIP.SYS  : 5.1.2600.2180

- Build of safety copy: 5.1.2600.2180

Found limit position: 0x4F322

Current maximum concurrent half-open connections: 100

If you continue, please press 'Abort' and 'Yes' on the popup from windows

file protection. Because we change system files, Windows tries to restore the

original one. So it's normal.

Do you really want to change the limit to 10? (Yes/No/Change) C

Please enter the number of concurrent

half-open connections (10-16777214, ESC=Auto 10/50): 100

If you continue, please press 'Abort' and 'Yes' on the popup from windows

file protection. Because we change system files, Windows tries to restore the

original one. So it's normal.

Do you really want to change the limit to 100? (Yes/No/Change) Y

Creating work-copy ... done ...

New limit set. Now calculating checksum ...

Checksum is: 0x612C8

Patch complete ...

Installing new file ... done ...

All operations successfull.

  TCPIP.SYS got changed. It's recommend to reboot NOW!

Press any key to exit ..."

VanBuren :)

i started having this problem about 1, 2 weeks ago, and the only thing that i can think i changed is i moved the router up higher for better signal, and i had to switch the ethernet cords cause one was longer than the other, could hte cords be the problem

i am running some cable tweaks from you, thats about it beside the P2P fix, its set the max ammount of connections like 1777.... something

try 100

also install netlimiter, so you can adjust the bandwidth usage of certain programs


VanBuren :)

i tried the 100, and it didnt work, and with the netlimiter, it dosent use all my bandwidth when im downloading, not even close, like ill be downloading at like 30KB and it will not load pages, Could it be the cords? ethernet ones that i switched

i started having this problem about 1, 2 weeks ago, and the only thing that i can think i changed is i moved the router up higher for better signal, and i had to switch the ethernet cords cause one was longer than the other, could hte cords be the problem

it wont matter if one is longer then the other, but cables can get damaged

also force your NIC to 100 Mbps full duplex

VanBuren :)

  Well I have noticed about the same thing when using file sharing programs I think they are just using more than they say they are or someone is hacking them not sure but happens to me to! And it only happens when I am using a file program and it says it is only downloading at like 30kbs and I dsl! But anyway I have no idea I think those programs just use more than they say!

You should also check your CPU and memory usage when you are trying to brows and use P2P at the same time. Press Ctrl+Alt+del to brin up the task manager and then click on the thrird tab "preformance".  Most P2P programs I have used take up all the memory and CPU time I have.

ok, i tried doing some tests with stuff and when you try to download or even search, it just plugs up and the internet is slow as a mofo, but when you dont try and download or search, it works fine, like on bandwidth tests i get the normal, so could it be my router, thats what i was thinking, its not the computers, it has to be something dealing with cable modem, router, thats all i can think of, any help would be very appreicated

Help it up

If the router firmware upgrade doesn't help, check this out.  Open your browser and put in the following ip.  For the sb5100 this is where you can see information on your cablemodem.

Click on signal tab.  What are your downstream and upstream power levels? (SNR is signal to noise ratio)

Found this info on another forum:


      Downstream Power:

      You generally want between -12db and +12db. Most modems are rated from -15 to +15. Anything less or more than that and you may have quality issues.

      I personally prefer to not have less than -7db. If you want to raise your signal level a bit, check my troubleshooting and splitter section.

      Downstream SNR:

      This number is best over 30, but you may not have any problems with down to 25. Anything less and you will probably have slow transfers, dropped connections, etc.

      See my "Downstream SNR" definition for more information on this.

      Upstream Power:

      The lower this number is, the better. If it is above 55, you may want to see if you can reconfigure your splitters. Anything above 57 is not good and should be fixed ASAP. (This is getting pretty close to not being able to connect.)

      Upstream SNR:

      Anything above 29 is considered good. The higher this number is, the better. If this number is below 25 and 29, you have a minute amount of noise leaking in somewhere. If it's anything less than 25, you want to get it fixed as you may have a lot of packet loss or slow transfer rates.

      See my "Upstream SNR" definition for more info.


Hope this helps

i was here today checking out things also to see if it was my cable modem

Frequency 597000000 Hz Locked

Signal to Noise Ratio 37 dB

Power Level 0 dBmV

The Downstream Power Level reading is a snapshot taken at the time this page was requested. Please Reload/Refresh this Page for a new reading

Upstream Value

Channel ID 2

Frequency 25008000 Hz Ranged

Power Level 46 dBmV

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