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I realize that Direcway is plain awful for running any P2P programs because of the built in firewall, blocking of ports and NAT, but has anyone found anyway to increase connections.  Mostly I just run Emule and Bittorrent, and it always takes weeks to finish a download.  Does anyone have any suggestions I could use to increase speed/connections to peers.  I am sick of it being TOO SLOW!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gnucleus works great for me - I just give it full permissions in Zone Alarm and I get very fast downloads.

I also tried Shareaza, which worked great for about a day, and then the dw6000 decided it didn't like it and wouldn't give me any bandwidth. That was when I switched to Gnucleus, which so far has worked great. Free too.  :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Bear Share and Bear Share Pro and they also work fine. I get about an average of 1.5 MB/S download speeds and about 80kb/s upload. They only real problem i see with it is that direcway limits your total number of connections making 10 or more downloads and searching slow and hard to do over the system, and forget being a good ultra peer i become one but it kills my connection with about 15-20 other users connected to me.

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well the mistake was gettin direc way... i had that for like 3 days.. then switched to adelphia's premier pack.  4000/500 or so up....  but for me the speeds are more like 8000/1200  :-)  plus they are basically the same price any ways...  before with direcway (its horrid FAP) it would take me about 2 days to get a movie.. now i get it in about 30 minutes.. never longer than 1 hour though.  when im downloading through an actual web browser my speeds jump up to 10 mB/s crazy stuff.  i love it

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