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I was dowmloading some stuff earlier from Limewire and I was paying close attention to my DW600 bandwidth monitor.. I had about 70% buckets left and then my downloads just flatlined and so did my connection to Limewire.. What happened??? I downloaded roughly 60-70 MB in around 15 minutes or so and it just cut off.. The FAP thing does'nt bother me that much so long as it holds up to it's end of the deal.. Could it be that I was downloading multiple files at once or what??? If anyone can help please do.. Also I know everyone has their own preference but is there another filesharing prog that I can use that will work better with this crappy setup??? Thanx for the help..

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Yeah there was just a thread about file sharing apps here...

The same thing happened to me using Shareaza. Worked great for about a day, and then nothing...the dw6000 decided it didn't like it all the sudden. So I switched to Gnucleus which I've been using ever since. Works great.

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Limewire has always worked great for me. Power cycling the modem usually works to get things back on track if that happens though. Just unplug the dw6000 for a few minutes and plug it back in.

Personaly I dont like to power off using the cord, you will damage the unit or PSU at some point......

I use this and would advise anyone else to use this software proggy, works just as good...

This file is clean of viruses, but you should check it just in case.... Scanned with Norton Anti-Virus Corp Edition....

THIS IS FOR A DW6000 only!!!!

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