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lol, i thought they used camels though :haha:

LOL, this is India not Saudi Arabia.... OK OK, too many people moaning about this, the attachment was deleted by someone, dont care who.

I am going to lock the topic now anyway.... thought it might be a little fun for some dway users, but it seems there is more non-dway users complaining about it......

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a little off topic, your text and sig could use updating sparky...

Man, when did that happen? not been around for a while because my system was down for repair, yes! finaly got it done..... signal is worse then it used to be but its working and no water in the LNB.

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ok, this topic has already been reported by someone, and since i cant see the attachment, im not sure if theyre right, so whatever u guys are doing, tone it down plz... thank you.


I've been looking at this topic since the start... theres nothing offensive here... The attachment is a parking lot with elephants in it...

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LOL, this is India not Saudi Arabia.... mind you, they all look and smell the same! :)

I couldn't see the attachment either but I think the quote above might have been what the report was about..

Since I don't look or smell like either one I wasn't offended.

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