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I have FIOS and use the  router they supply..I also use a wireless router that I already had...FIOS supports the router of their choice and want you to use the one they offer..I dont think they will support your router if you call for help..but yeah theres nothign wrong with you using your own equipment ..I just dont think their help desk techs will be trained on your router.

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Actually I traded in the wireless router I purchased from Verizon and had them send me the standard "free" issue.  In the meantime I went out and purchased a D-Link DGL-4300.  It works flawlessly... no difference whatsoever in the speeds...  plus, all my wired PC's are now running gigabit ethernet... and it also has wireless.  :headbang:



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well generally we are "trained" so to speak for the D-Link DI 604 & 624 routers. The policy is that if you as the tech feel comfortable and know the router that the cust has feel free to help BUt if you dont or are not sure or are having major connectivity issues we suggest using the router we give you. Since we know that one in and out.  but using your own equipment is fun and dandy SO LONG AS IT HAS PPPoE!

We wil help if we can BUT we dont SUPPORT other routers ONLY ours.

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So I just got off the phone with Verizon Fios Support.  I was only getting speeds of 9+ Mbps and not the 15Mbps that they advertised.  It turns out that my DI-624 wireless router can't get up to the 15Mbps speeds, because we tested the router they supplied, a VDI-604 wired router, and got over 15Mbps.  So I was told that Verizon has a version of the DI-624, which they label VDI-624 (V for Verizon, I guess) that would get me to the advertised speed.

This sucks, of course, because i really don't want to drop the extra bucks for Verizon's version of my router.  Has anyone experienced this, and/or have a workaround so I don't have to shell more cash for something that should have been at least fine printed in all the Fios ads I received.


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There are multiple threads here and at dslreports.com that discuss this topic.  The bottom line is that you are not required to purchase the Verizon wireless router just to have a wireless network.  Most people are getting the free wired router (DI-604), then connecting any previous wireless access points or bridges to it. 

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