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I play PlanetSide.  That is i would play PlanetSide if i wasn't so lagged out.  My ping is terrible and the longer i am on the worse my packet loss gets.  I know PlanetSide is rather greedy with system resources, but i have had time when everything is fine.  I am on the fence whether it is the game server or my pc.  As it is i have every setting set for performance, i have no background tasks up, and i have power-cycled my modem/router often.  Nothing helps.  If i had any of my other mmorpg accounts open i would be able to tell if it is my connection or just the games, but i don't.  I thought about tweaking but it is my understanding that tweaking doesn't help packet loss or improve ping, both of which seem to be troubled.  Any ping/packet retention ideas out there?

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1956 Kbps about 2 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 239 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main)

Test Time:: Sun Apr 24 21:55:17 CDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 35X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.28 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 57.9 % of your hosts average (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ZXV2LPHS5

Comcast sells 2 different bandwidth packages.  Mine is the smaller one of course.  My OS is WinME.  I actually attempted to upgrade to WinXP but felt it was too consumptive with system resources and also too high-handed about operations, so i reformatted and reinstalled ME (so no giving me flak about my OS :P 

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Windows XP (tweaked to run smoothly) is quite beautiful.

I would make sure you have Windows ME updated.

Windows ME (tweaking guides)



Only use the registry patches that apply to Windows ME


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PlanetSide didn't use to be so bad, but with expansions and whatnot my system is becoming less able to handle it.  I need to do some upgading, but unless money falls from the sky it's not going to happen for awhile.  As for Xp, i tried putting it on my other pc, which has basically the same components this pc has, only slightly older versions (it gets pc #1's leftovers).  It made one of my games run so slowly i had no choice but to take it off, even after endless tweaking and adjusting.  Plus it had about 30 processes running at a time and would shut itself down if i closed any.  POS. 

Anyway, i tried the tweaks suggested here, and i have started playing on a different server nearer to where i live now, but the ping and packetloss are still problems.  At first i thought they were okay but now, not so much.  I blame Comcast, but aside from some blame, i have nothing.  So sad : (

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XP can run very smooth... especially if tweaked properly... i have a copy running on a 800MHz PIII w/ 128MB of ram... i hardly did anything to tweak it and it runs fine...

On 128 MB of ram and Windows xp = you get owned. It freezes alot and most important, RAM gets screwed this way and so does your HD from all the pagefiling and reading and writing its doing, I have 640 RAM and it runs really nice. It never freezes, it never crashes (only when i run a game which my graphics card cannot process some of the graphics due to the way they look. Other than that, on 512 ram and a good 2ghz youre good to go.

Windows ME is total crap mate. So many memory leaks, and it crashes and freezes often. Running any game on it is a drag as alot are not supported. I suggest windows 2000 if youre a little low on the resources. Im running 2000 on a 866mhz and 256 ram in my sisters room. Windows 2000 has most of the basic features on XP and most things which for work XP also work for 2000.

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On 128 MB of ram and Windows xp = you get owned. It freezes alot and most important, RAM gets screwed this way and so does your HD from all the pagefiling and reading and writing its doing, I have 640 RAM and it runs really nice. It never freezes, it never crashes (only when i run a game which my graphics card cannot process some of the graphics due to the way they look. Other than that, on 512 ram and a good 2GHz youre good to go.

Windows ME is total crap mate. So many memory leaks, and it crashes and freezes often. Running any game on it is a drag as alot are not supported. I suggest windows 2000 if youre a little low on the resources. Im running 2000 on a 866MHz and 256 ram in my sisters room. Windows 2000 has most of the basic features on XP and most things which for work XP also work for 2000.

i have never had XP freeze on 128MB of ram...  XP will ALWAYS have a pagefile... right now on my computer with 512MB of ram, im using 626MB of my pagefile, and 444MB of ram...

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