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You guys got to learn to quit bashing DirecWay so much. it may not be the best thing available but it is all you got right now except dial up. If something else was available than i am sure you would switch if you are so inclined. If you are having a problem than sure you have a right to complain but when everything is running as expected than why complain nobody likes to here people complain all the time and all the complaining will not make your speeds any faster.

I have been very happy with the service provided by DirecWay. My DW4000 has consistently given me 1.5 Mbps down and is better than DW advertises. Don't get me wrong though i am planning on jumping ship ASAP to cable now that it is available.

You guys got to learn to quit bashing DirecWay so much

Sorry I tell it the way it is....DirecWay is not always above 1000 down and 124 up with a home account using a DW6000. DirecWay does use word games or lie, just as stating the 4000 is not faster than the 6000. Theres no need in bashing one for telling the truth....something that always seems to

I have no problem with people complaining about service they pay for .but even when my wifes computer was loaded with trojans and spyware dway still delivered better on average then our cable account .and my computer has always exceeded what was promised when I got satellite by about double(500k promised) although if qwest would pull there head out and make DSL available on my side of town I would seriously consider them as a satellite replacement

I seem to hear such bad things on here about DirecWay but I had Comcast and it was down twice as much as dway + although it was fast some of the time during peak hours it was only 200k download and 80k upload . even with the DW 6000 I am always above a 1000 k down and 124 up .also when I did have a couple of days that dway did not work when I called they took off half of my bill .and with the contract I signed they can not raise my rates and in only the last 12 months Comcast went up 5 times here in albuquerque atleast on my bill. and if you called to complain about service they would never credit my bill so dway may not be for everyone but I think it is great ......

Direcway does not give half off either, why because they do not even guarantee you a connection. Its all in the fine print of the contract. Unreal!

You guys got to learn to quit bashing DirecWay so much. it may not be the best thing available but it is all you got right now except dial up. If something else was available than i am sure you would switch if you are so inclined. If you are having a problem than sure you have a right to complain but when everything is running as expected than why complain nobody likes to here people complain all the time and all the complaining will not make your speeds any faster.

I have been very happy with the service provided by DirecWay. My DW4000 has consistently given me 1.5 Mbps down and is better than DW advertises. Don't get me wrong though i am planning on jumping ship ASAP to cable now that it is available.

I got an idea here! why dont you trade your 4000 in for a 6000, then come back in a day or two and we will see what your attitude towards dway is like?

Everyone knows that a 4000 has better download speeds and upload speeds compared to a 6000, I would be happier with a 4000 too, and I am sure others would like a 4000, truth is, some of us got ripped off, I personaly PAID $700 just for the equipment and install, I have had nothing but problems with it since.

The lied to me when I was asking them questions before I bought it, the told me 500 down and 50 up, yes I see more then 500 down most days, but never ever have I seen 50 up, I will be lucky to see 15 most days, the average is 7.5 for me, and I know that is better then some get.

Now really, if no one like to hear people bitchin about dway, you have options, just like life, you have options, one you can ignore these posts seeing as yours was not too helpful, 2 you can stay out of the forum becuase its always been like this since the arrival of the dway forum, and 3 you could be more constructive and try to help people with issues rather then in words telling them to be quite, we have our rights and one of them rights is the freedom of speech.

:haha: Sparky- yes you are right i do not have to read the post where people are complaining about Dway but when they are posting all over in diffrent subject where people are trying to get help all it does is clutter those subjects with people griping.

If you want to complain than keep your complaints to a subject called DWay complaining and griping so people can exercise there freedom of choice and not go to that subject.

That way those of us trying to learn something or help people are not wasting our time sifting through all the complaining to get to the actual subject of the post.

As far as my DW 4000 versus your DW 6000 again that was your choice for what ever reason to upgrade to the DW 6000.

If you are truly not getting what is advertised by Dway, if your upload is not what Dway is advertising and you truly have a leg to stand on with your argument than you can very easily get out of your contract by breach of contract & false advertising.

But i am assuming you don't really want to do that because your only other choice would be dial up.

Right now with your current actions you sound like the guy that bought a house next to the airport and claims he did not know it was there or that loud and thinks they should shut it done or build him a sound proof house at the airport expense.

I am not trying to stir you or anybody else up but i make one post that you guys need to quit complaining or put it in the proper forum post so the rest of us can ignore it if we choose and i get those of you who are unhappy attacking me know and my opinions which is not the purpose of this web site.

If you personally attack my opinions than i will defend my opinions to a point than i will just leave the site and go elswherefor info & help as other people have been doing.

I don't think that is what the owner of this site really wants is a site full of complaining.

I guess its OK to post lies and false statements, thats all cool... just don't tell the truth about nothing it might upset a rights activist! Some may not like to read the complaints, myself don't want to read the lies and contradictions.

I received a personal message from a member last evening about how he never had a problem with dway. A few months ago he switched from a 4000 to a 6000 then went all negative for a couple days until he got switched back to the 4000. (those that follow the dway forum would know exactly who he is without me posting the name) I call this hypocritical!

:haha: Sparky- yes you are right i do not have to read the post where people are complaining about Dway but when they are posting all over in diffrent subject where people are trying to get help all it does is clutter those subjects with people griping.

If you want to complain than keep your complaints to a subject called DWay complaining and griping so people can exercise there freedom of choice and not go to that subject.

That way those of us trying to learn something or help people are not wasting our time sifting through all the complaining to get to the actual subject of the post.

As far as my DW 4000 versus your DW 6000 again that was your choice for what ever reason to upgrade to the DW 6000.

If you are truly not getting what is advertised by Dway, if your upload is not what Dway is advertising and you truly have a leg to stand on with your argument than you can very easily get out of your contract by breach of contract & false advertising.

But i am assuming you don't really want to do that because your only other choice would be dial up.

Right now with your current actions you sound like the guy that bought a house next to the airport and claims he did not know it was there or that loud and thinks they should shut it done or build him a sound proof house at the airport expense.

I am not trying to stir you or anybody else up but i make one post that you guys need to quit complaining or put it in the proper forum post so the rest of us can ignore it if we choose and i get those of you who are unhappy attacking me know and my opinions which is not the purpose of this web site.

If you personally attack my opinions than i will defend my opinions to a point than i will just leave the site and go elswherefor info & help as other people have been doing.

I don't think that is what the owner of this site really wants is a site full of complaining.

I bought this new, first time, never had a 4000 and I could not get one even if I wanted one, I am not prepered to buy a used one that might go bang in a day or so, which is an interesting point, what you going to do when that happens?

500 down, 50 up! thats what I was told, they will do nothing about it and yes, its ovious I only have dial up as an option, but $60 for this junk and $15 for dial up?? I think dial up worked better... no, it was more worth the money seeing as my upload still SUCK AS MUCH AS DIAL UP, and I do a lot of it.........

Instead of you complaining about the complainers, why dont you sujest to the site owner to build you a nice non-bitching forum? why else do people come here? to complain about there issues with DirecWay? maybe I was wrong.......

Ohh, and direcway dont guarantee anything, not service or speed, but they dont tell you that when you sign up do they? no... they fill you with ohh its wonderful promises! LOL

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