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Hey all...ok so I have an Acer laptop...the thing is designed poorly and has overheated very easily since i got it...so I removed the cover and cleaned it out with air to help with the circulation (which I have done once before)....now it won't boot up :icon_pale:

I can hear the hard drive start...everything is seated properly....but there is no display....i'm wondering what i might have done, and how i can fix it....i'm sure I can find the cd, but i'm thinking something hardware....any suggestions would be muchly appreciated, thx!

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ok fallow i think i can help you out

we just need some more information really and bare with us

1st if u hear the hd and stuff like that is cause ur pc is not dead (good sign)

2nd do u have an external port vga port to connecto to a big screen?

if you do try that out, and start your pc with a new screen connected, if nothing comes up in the big screen external, you should have to click some function key and then a special key somewhere in ur keyboard to display in the external screen

if nothing displays please come back to us i got other ideas

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yeah thanks peeps...i will try the external monitor, i think my roomate's might work....it seems that the backlight on the monitor is not coming on, and i can hear the HD spinning but it doesn't seem to be making any thinking noises (  :idea: )....i think it has an 8MB ATI laptop video card, i'm not sure if its PCI or integrated....i'll check it out and get back to y'all...thx for the responses

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try in a dark room to see if there is any light in ur monitor

and if its the backlight in the monitor not working its because of a bad connection

god i had that in my shit laptop

u have to flick the lid open and close a few time, while it is on untill it flashes and the image will come up

but 1st stick in a proper monitor ok

come back to us

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