NorCalWM Posted August 10, 2004 CID Share Posted August 10, 2004 Can ANYBODY help me. I have been plagued by this crappy direcway service since day one - two years now. I have replaced the modems (twice) the Dish, every cable, have moved and reset up the machine etc.. etc.. have spent literally HUNDREDS of hours on tech support - and still no resolution. The last time on tech support was SEVEN hours - they managed to mess up my machine so bad that I had to do a roll-back - and that still didn't fix it. Third level support is just as bad. I'm was a third level network ops specialist (8 years ago) so I do know something about all this.... but I can't figure this one out. I'm running the 2-way system with the USB modems, have XP Pro the system with the modems, and a little netgear hub/switch which connects two other XP pro machines. Have lost track of all the hundreds of tweaks and such i have made to this system... but can check anything you suggest. My biggest complaint (and I have many) is that it is so inconsistant. One moment I'll be getting 1.2mbs - then BANG.... 8-80kbps for hours and hours. Rebooting anything doesn't help... Suspiciously, nearly every time I get on phone with tech support gets faster...... even tho I have done NOTHING to the machines..... Anyone? Anyone? I've already lost 20 hours of work time to this nightmare in the past week.... anyone have a suggestion? 3:05PM Here is a typical test::::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 44 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 5 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 1 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 204.8 second(s) Validation Link:: Now one from 3:16PM :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 156 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 19 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 3 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 53.89 second(s) Validation Link:: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted August 10, 2004 CID Share Posted August 10, 2004 ouch, Sadly after 2years and with you knowing something about how things work, I would try a new ISP if possible, or if you have the time I would do a face to face with an upper level manager of the company and demand some type of action the very least I would ask for some free service until the problem is resolved. I worked service for thirty years and I believe any problem is fixable......if you can get a person that will admit you have a problem, and Will trouble shoot until its more thing I assume you have tried a single computer directly hooked up at the dmarc from your provider ,and that you have the same problem....correct?? anyway good luck and lets us know how it turns more thing have you also either tried a different known working computer at your house or taken your computer to a new location and not had that problem.... often while testing the problem does clear but it doesn't always mean its the providers equipment thats at fault:) a friend recently found out that his problem was intermittent R.F.I. that was proven by some high dollar machine that I'm not familiar with......... Microwave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalWM Posted August 11, 2004 Author CID Share Posted August 11, 2004 Thank you for a great reply !... So often people are snooty and pedantic on forums like this... so I totally appreciate your attitude. Ok, lets see... I can completely disable and disconnect the computer with the modems from everything ... and nothing changes. I did in fact have the whole setup installed on what is now one of my networked machines... but after 6 months of nightmare connections, I actually went out and bought a whole new system JUST to run the satellite. Still the same issue. I thought, because of much of what i have read, that it might be a static electricity issue.... and I didn't really trust the ground that was there.... so I replaced all that .. and I KNOW it is grounded now.... but the problems continue. I have been on tech support at so many levels and so many times, that when I print out my log of JUST the times and dates I call - been tracking that since day one.... it is over 8 pages of text. Another issue I face is that even at 3rd level support as soon as I get a decent connection by doing their dances with settings, they go.... "OK, you're good to go" .. and that is it. When it fails again, and I can't stand it any longer I have to re-call in and go thru level-one's song and dance for 1-3 hours.... Curious about this company (Direcway) they will NOT, under any circumstances transfer you to a manager ... they say they will call you back, and I have waited as long as 3 weeks for a call back.... NEVER. And, if you want to be transferred to someone else, honest to god here.... they transfer you to Accounts so you can close your account. Can you frickin' beiieve that. And I can't seem to break the magic code to get thru to these people that the damn thing doesn't work ....period. I've had so many MSCEs and networking geeks try to get it to work.. and it never does. Now, I WOULD go with another ISP if I really had any choice. I live in the boondocks -- DSL is not even predicted to be in the area for another 5 years..... the phone company here had never even heard of ISDN, both cable companies are going broke and aren't going to install cable, and I since I'm a business.. and already have 2 phone lines... I get charged by the minute to be on-line thru dial-up.... So, I'm basically at these bonehead's mercy. Well, thank you, thank you for listening to my crab-session.... sincerely, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalWM Posted August 11, 2004 Author CID Share Posted August 11, 2004 Ooops... Forgot to post my Test Results... 5:45PM :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 67 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 8 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 1 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 128 second(s) Validation Link:: So, how do you like THEM apples - sigh... same on dmarc machine and a networked machine.... sigh.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted August 11, 2004 CID Share Posted August 11, 2004 NorCalWM, Your welcome and hope you keep coming back....Ca3le Guy has built a really nice site and we have some cool and smart members that post here. Someone else may post more ideas so stay tuned...I have heard this nightmare before when a signal has to travel so far many things can and do happen, and theres always the outside interference that can cause one to get gray hair before its time. Often I have seen problems to be the last thing you think it is, which makes matters worst...anyway good luck and hope you enjoy the site:) Microwave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
justinlay Posted August 11, 2004 CID Share Posted August 11, 2004 That is a very low? There is something very wrong. I can probuly figure out your problem. Ok i understand you are using the two way recivers usb. Tell me allittle more detail about you setup. Whats your signal strenght? Software Version? What type of Cable You using? Have you use the recivers on another computer? Ive been with direcway for alittle over a year, and it runs great. besides my upload it suck bad. If you have msn messenger my add [email protected] or Icq 79536728. maybe i can help you there :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2372 Kbps about 2.4 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 290 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 42 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.53 second(s) Validation Link:: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest wmmc Posted August 11, 2004 CID Share Posted August 11, 2004 I've been plagued by poor downloads as well, and get service through Ground Control, right now me thinks I am paying $99 a month for always on dialup. Ground Control, DW4000, G11 1370, BE Sometimes I get what is meant to be, but in all its just poor service period. Right now its good to go, that will change. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2059 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 251 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 37 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.08 second(s) Validation Link:: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HardJeans Posted August 11, 2004 CID Share Posted August 11, 2004 I'm not entirely familiar with networking, and can only go by my take this with a grain of salt... Have you tried a modem with a regular RC45 connection? I used to use my USB adapter for my modem in to my Windows XP box so I could connect my only Ethernet port(at the time) to a router so I could connect it to my other computers. After a few weeks it seems to freeze my computer...once I switch back it goes fine...I know my RAM is bad, and returns various incorrect 1's, and 0's at times...and I think with all of the extra load through USB it caused it to perhaps try it with a modem with a regular RC45? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sainted_s Posted August 12, 2004 CID Share Posted August 12, 2004 Ah, the continuing saga of battles with Dway customer service. I have to hand it to you, sticking in there with speeds like that. I have been having troubles with speed as well and I've been tweaking for the past couple of days, now it seems to be getting a little bit better. If you're looking for faster browsing, Firefox is the browser that I have found to work the best with Direcway. The Mozilla browser I downloaded on Hughes site is of course much better than IE, but firefox is even faster. Broadband Reports and Digital Insurrection both have great tweaks for Direcway, and on DI, there are tweaks for networking with Dway which may help. There is no way that you should be getting those speeds unless your being FAP'ed, but I can understand the frustration of dealing with customer service. I would definately report your whole experience to the BBB, in your case it seems that they haven't lived up to the guaranteed speed. New to the board, so I don't know if it's acceptable to post links, so you can IM me on yahoo under sainted_serenity and I'll send you the links to tweaks you may not have tried. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sainted_s Posted August 12, 2004 CID Share Posted August 12, 2004 :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1961 Kbps about 2 Mbps (tested with 748 KB) Download Speed is:: 239 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 35 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.28 second(s) Validation Link:: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
justinlay Posted August 13, 2004 CID Share Posted August 13, 2004 I ran mozilla firebox on my computer and it ran slower than IE. I had Mozilla tweaked out, and still ran the same. Ive never had any trouble out of direcway. Besides my upload it sucks really bad Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted August 13, 2004 CID Share Posted August 13, 2004 Ok from what I have read i have a few questions... The Satelite computer is hooked up via usb from the modem... Then there are more computer hooked up via ethernet... Are you using internet Sharing from XP over that hub..? Where are you taking these test from? It would be helpful if we knew if it was a hub or a switch... big difference.. You replaced the Dish... It seems that you speed jumps could be related to the fact that you dish is out of alignment... or something is obstructing the dish itself... From what I have read the dish seems to have stable speed exept during time when there are solar flashes.. I personally belive that USB a waste of time... they have tried networking with it and it failed! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
justinlay Posted August 14, 2004 CID Share Posted August 14, 2004 I have before network 2 other computers to mine when i got direcway, and never had a problem. Well ofcourse i never seen the same speed that mine computer that had the recevers pluged in to. I still the max i seen on another computer was alittle over 100Kbs. I was running regular Cat5 Cable and a 10/100 hub. my computer had the realteck network card, and the other computer had the Dlink cards. my computer is running Windows XP home, and the other two computers were running Windows ME. Oh God i love Me I had more problem out of the os than the internet. lol Maybe this will help you. and good luck Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted August 14, 2004 CID Share Posted August 14, 2004 The first question is why are you running a hub?? They are slower than a switch because they are stupid... I was refering to the person that posted this thead.. but maybe you can answer the question.. the modem for Directway... does it have a cat5 connection?? if so why are you not running a router?? ME blows... That is what happens when Microsoft rushes a product into the market before it is tested... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damn_it Posted August 19, 2004 CID Share Posted August 19, 2004 Connection is:: 883 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 108 KB/sec ok, my question is why is my download speed so slow? im using the DW6000 connected with a cat5 directly into my NIC. of course, tech support appears to be outsourced to India. so, that rules out their help because i cant understand a damned word they say. they told me to test my speed at this site, and my skepticism says you people are in cahoots. hopefully not, as being in cahoots with DirecWay is grounds for a flood of ill-tempered posts from angry hillbillies everywhere. that would eat up some serious server bandwidth. i like the "always on" connection. i like that it is better than dial-up. i like it alot except for the FAP and other things other people dont like. im sure you have read too many posts about all that before, so i digress. for the price, DirecWay should only be used by people in the Amazon jungle. as i live in the hills of Arkansas, i qualify. now, before i fire up my bass boat and head across the Atlantic to strangle a tech support Ghandi, can someone tell me if there is anything i can do about my download speed? thank ya'll. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest wmmc Posted August 20, 2004 CID Share Posted August 20, 2004 Connection is:: 883 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 108 KB/sec ok, my question is why is my download speed so slow? im using the DW6000 connected with a cat5 directly into my NIC. of course, tech support appears to be outsourced to India. so, that rules out their help because i cant understand a damned word they say. they told me to test my speed at this site, and my skepticism says you people are in cahoots. hopefully not, as being in cahoots with DirecWay is grounds for a flood of ill-tempered posts from angry hillbillies everywhere. that would eat up some serious server bandwidth. i like the "always on" connection. i like that it is better than dial-up. i like it alot except for the FAP and other things other people dont like. im sure you have read too many posts about all that before, so i digress. for the price, DirecWay should only be used by people in the Amazon jungle. as i live in the hills of Arkansas, i qualify. now, before i fire up my bass boat and head across the Atlantic to strangle a tech support Ghandi, can someone tell me if there is anything i can do about my download speed? thank ya'll. I believe with the DW6000 its capped at 1000 kbps. Edit: Directly from Direcway its capped, if you to go with the VAR example in my sig and pay more you can get faster speeds but you'll need the .98 meter or larger dish for that, and that alone runs about $1000 for the dish. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalWM Posted August 20, 2004 Author CID Share Posted August 20, 2004 OK, I can give you a run down of what is currently running DW. Keep in mind that since I have owned the crap I have changed the computer, both modems - TWICE - the LMB, AND have moved to a new location - and have beefed up the ground cables and methods - and have replaced all cables - with the excpetion of the 25 ping modem connector. Ok So, the DW software runs on a Dell Mini Tower - P4 3.0gig with a gig of memory ... Running XP Pro. I have the 4000(???) series modems - the USB ones. I use ICS on this machine and have done no tweaks to the registry on this particular machine. I'm running DW version wotj Service Pack A10. Now, I understand that there is a later software - but when the tech support people tried to get it to update - it took 5.5 hours and it turned out to be a corrupted version. My status is ALWAYS "Connected Via Satellite" at 93% I have a D-Link DSS-5+ Ethernet Switch attached from which I run My Main Computer - An even beefier P4 with XP Pro - 15.gig of RAM. And I have a another Dell P4 with 512 Ram running XP Pro hooked up as well. Now, my experience shows that the system runs well early, early in the morning - 4AM - 6AM PST - when I'm the only person on it.... but by about 7AM when my partner hops on the other computer - things start to go down hill. By 11 we are down to a grueling 5-8kbps. When we do lose all connectivity, or at least usefulness of the system - and we reboot - 50% of the time the speeds will come back to 60 - 120kbps. Other times it will just sit there.... and when I mean sit there ... there is virtually NO activity on the lights on the modems..... just an occasional ACK from the Xmitter. When it is slow, I can completely disable and disconnect the networking - and the "server" does not improve. I'm carefully testing this now, cuz I was suspecting my Switch, or my networking setup. But again, when it is slow, it is slow. Here is more interesting data..... Sometimes the my computer will slow to useless - but I'll go and test the server and it will be in the 600kpbs range. Other times my partner will have decent speeds, but I"ll be dead in the water. FAP????? Not a freaking chance - I check all the time just to make sure ... but when you only get 8kbs and hour... there is no way to even download enough stuff to get a FAP. OK, I'm sure I'm missing something here...... quiz me, and I'll try to get you info.... Currently 7:36AM :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 202 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 25 KB/sec Tested From:: Bottom Line:: 4 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 40.96 second(s) Validation Link:: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted August 20, 2004 CID Share Posted August 20, 2004 I highly doubt it is the switch... I have a dss5+ and it should be able to support your type of network... Are you sure that your systems are clean?? it seems that one of them might be infected with something... the second dudes.. you say it is fine but as soon as he hops on it goes down hill... that makes me thing he has some spyware that is eating up bandwidth... try cleaning your sytems.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalWM Posted August 20, 2004 Author CID Share Posted August 20, 2004 Ah.... excellent questions ... All Three machines run Norton AV - always updated. All Three Machines run the latest versions of AdAware every few days. And the other dude's machine runs SpyBot constantly. We also have some kinda sniffer app running on the server to see where traffic bound - but I don't check it ...he does. I'm so paranoid, that I have confirm message before any cookies are allowed. We are a clean team MorE?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calidude38 Posted August 20, 2004 CID Share Posted August 20, 2004 This is the "second dude" working with norcalwm. It is my opinion that the problem is just the service. Mind you I am not a super geek just an average geek and I may not understand the whole satellite thing but, if nothing has changed on my side why would the speeds change so dramatically within minutes or hours or days... there is no consistency. I do know we share the pipe and I do know we are on satmex 5 which is one of the older pipes so most likely there is a lot of rust in those pipes not to mention a lot of poop trying to go through those pipes so.... my semi educated guess is that it is just the service. Norcalwm tends to have differing opinions. What ya'll think? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
junkieXL Posted August 21, 2004 CID Share Posted August 21, 2004 Honestly, i have not heard one positive thing regarding Satellite/wireless connections...My opinion after 8 years in the business, this technology is weak, inferior & probably will fade out in a year or two, especially on the ISP end of things. With ridiculous cable modem speeds available now & the emerging fiber-optic DSL sporting 30Mb pipe speeds, the death knell has sounded for satellite for sure. cheers- JxL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted August 21, 2004 CID Share Posted August 21, 2004 yeah... Satelite is plagued with problems from the start.... extremely high pings, poor connection when the sun is producing flares and a bunch more.... My guess it is would be cheaper to get cable or dsl then it would to keep that satelite connection up and running... I mean how cool does it sound when someone asks how you connect to the internet?? When you ask satelite they are shocked and amazed but then you tell them your speed and they run laughing.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalWM Posted August 21, 2004 Author CID Share Posted August 21, 2004 Too True, Too True. I knew from day one that the system was not going to be useful. But... I want you to realize that I have NO Options. I live/work several miles away from a very small city.... very rural... very mountainous. When I called the phone company here and asked if they offered ISDN - they litterally did not know what I was talking about. There no projected plans for DSL for at LEAST 5 years out. And the Cable Company is going broke and won't be laying cable within 2 miles of me .... probably ever. Even Dial-up here charges by the minute .... I mean it isn't a lot ... but it adds up to more than this satellite connection. I'm also not a rich peron .... so that rules out sharing a T1 or buying the cable company to bring the cable here. And that is why I'm stuck with this lovely white elephant of a system. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest wmmc Posted August 21, 2004 CID Share Posted August 21, 2004 yeah... Satelite is plagued with problems from the start.... extremely high pings' date=' poor connection when the sun is producing flares and a bunch more.... My guess it is would be cheaper to get cable or dsl then it would to keep that satelite connection up and running... I mean how cool does it sound when someone asks how you connect to the internet?? When you ask satelite they are shocked and amazed but then you tell them your speed and they run laughing.. [/quote'] Not all true you know, I have used satellite since 1999 it was very nice then, but being more and more and more people getting on it, its simply overcrowded, its slowing it down, as far as pings why do people complain about it when there is nothing you can do with its distance, some people have no choice but dialup, and I'll be damned if I get dialup, it would cost me $10,000 to 1,000,000 to get a T1 waaaay out here, plus the service is around $500 a month, I don't think so. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorCalWM Posted August 21, 2004 Author CID Share Posted August 21, 2004 got some questions, Have you ever noticed that certain satellites get better thru-put? I'm on SatMex5 and always have been. Installation - the guy who installed my system originally, it was his first installation - and was on the phone the whole time with support - he even asked ME what sattelite I wanted to be on. I took 3 tries - 3 trips out before they got me a speed of over 36kbps. He had nailed the coax so hard that it was crimped into the wood.and the rubber coating had been split. (btw... I have ofcourse replaced all that years ago.) What kind of speeds do you get? - say at 6AM, Noon and 6PM.? What is the hop count to your most important ISP. I work nearly exclusively with a provider which is about 150 miles away ... my hop count normaly exceeds 36 hops. An average of 16 hops JUST to get out of the DW network. Just as a REAL test of efficiency.... when you done reading this post, click home on this page .. and manually count how many seconds it takes for the page to load. If it is up in the 30 - 55 second range.... to load ONE Page .. welcome to my world. I'm about to post a tirade about their tech support.... so if you are wondering why this isnt' working .... read that. Ok guys... keep me posted ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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