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Or maybe just have them auto-lock if no responses for a coupla weeks? If it's possible....

Locking may be a step too far, sometimes relevant info comes around after time.

But, maybe a pop up message when one tries to reply after a couple weeks?

Maybe we should start our own topic on this since we are definitely off topic here....

Edit: new topic started, thanks.......

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A pop up is a good idea as long as you don't have pop-ups blocked. Just thinking if the topic was locked, the new topic could be merged with the old if it is truly relevant. Maybe not 2 weeks, but more like 3 weeks or a month?

Merging would work, but would require a mods doing.

10-4 on the pop ups, maybe when they reply to an old dead topic, we could just Spam the crap out of them, too.

That would make them thing next time.... :haha: :haha:

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A javascript notification only requires that javascript enabled... as for the locked thing, it isn't necessary, especially if a javascript notification is used... and it would just be more work for the mods...

Would that be the same type of pop-up like when we get a personal message notification?

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