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Guest wmmc

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, there is a way, its by getting getright or similar download manger and limit the speed(6 KB/sec), go read a long book or do something while you wait.

FAP limit for:

Consumer Edition = 169 MB ($59.99 a month)

Professional Edition = 350 MB ($89.99 a month)

Business Edition = 500 and 800 MB ($99 a month for 500 MB, even more for 800 MB)

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Guest aerodude

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, there is a way, its by getting getright or similar download manger and limit the speed(6 KB/sec), go read a long book or do something while you wait.

FAP limit for:

Consumer Edition = 169 MB ($59.99 a month)

Professional Edition = 350 MB ($89.99 a month)

Business Edition = 500 and 800 MB ($99 a month for 500 MB, even more for 800 MB)

Sorry but idont think thats right... i pay $110 a month and my FAP is 169MB...am i getting ripped?

Service Charges  99.99 

Total Taxes  2.95

see ---^^^^

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I dont think Ive been Fapped Yet according to the mydirecway records, But I'm not DL'ing anything but music, pics, short vids, and stuff. If you are knowingly going to download files larger than that Id say pay extra. But if not dont worry about it. If you know you are gonna get FAP'd  DL it over night, then shut it off for a few hours and let the FAP expire. I think itll reset after 8 hours. So the Only time i thought I might have been FAP'd I shut it down about 3 am and By the next morning I woke up around 11 and it was running back at full speed.

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I looked at the FAP contract a while ago and it seemed it was continous downloads which was what they were really against, so I built a little AutoIT program to start and stop my download evey 10 minutes or so. It worked ok; I did get FAPed once but I was able to dl Mandrake (2075megs) in about 5 days.

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It seems that I slow down mostly at night, maybe this is not a FAP probleml.  Most of my downloads are music, pics and some small vids.  My latest test results follow,  and this is common for me around this time of day.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 297 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Download Speed is:: 36 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Sun Jun 5 22:21:20 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 5X faster than 56K 1MB download in 28.44 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 36.53 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YWIG4MKBO

:cry: :cry:

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I heard you can do a "power cycle" and erase the prreviously instituted FAP but it only works with a 4000.  I have a 4000 and tried that but it didn't work.  Is there More to it than a power (like wait 15 min. or something) cycle and does it really work? If it does work, what is the exact procedure...


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