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this site is what i use to test my connection speed and i was getting kinda bored(normal for me) and i went to cnet and a few other test pages like toast i think it's called and they all said like i was running 800 dl in ff and 1200 dl  in ie then i went here (this site is way more accurate) i got 1600 dl. i know test my is right but why is the results from other sites so low... is it because i am so far away from the test provider that i can't get accurate results...

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testmy.net is an internet connection benchmark.  We offer Download and Upload connection speed tests.  We offer connection history logging as well as host stats.  This is a 100% free site and you can test as much as you need to.  testmy.net is able to bring you some of the most accurate results due to our centrally located US server on the UUnet / Global Crossing backbone.  Unlike some speed testing sites, testmy.net uses only highly compressed data for testing to ensure that you are testing from data that your provider has no way of compressing (therefore this site will show you what your real line speed is, not what your provider wants you to think... (common among satellite providers).  Also, with 'SmarTest' Testmy.net will automatically adjust for your line speed and use the most optimal test size for your connection type.  testmy.net is a 100% word-of-mouth advertised site, so the growth and success of the site relies on it's users, so please keep visiting, and please pass this site on to friends.  You will notice that there is constant development and growth with this site, this also relies on our users input... if you encounter any bug please post in the forum under this section and if you like the site and would like to add your input to a great growing online community please join for free.

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Guest helloimtim

My thoughts on this subject of speed testing. It is a great way to check your speeds. But you also have to throw in some common sense. If your connection is running pretty close to normal. Pages are loading pretty close to the way they normaly do and speed test shows your slow then maybey the speed test is either busy, or just wrong. I only use speed tests to confirm what common sense tells me. Things seem slow I check my speeds. Things seem ok then let the speed test part go. You can drive yourself crazy wondering if your connection is the fastest it can be. In short only use speed tests to confirm what common sense tells you. Dont let speed tests replace that common sense. Make Sense?? Just my 2 cents.  :)

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