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Yes it does.  Add the 2 NTauthority userids into the administrators group then reboot to test and see what happens.  (Worst that can happen is that the error comes up again).  Would not suggest leaving them there, more for just a test to see if this will impact the error.  If I remember one or both are involved with those errors. 

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Edit:  These two logons are system based and should have high level access automatically.  I've never seen them in the users group.  They are system level logons used to start system related functions (This is why you can't stop some of the processes even though you are an Administrator).  There are other system logons as well.

Edit:  Here is a bit more info on it.  Hope it isn't in French.....  :)  http://www.windowsitpro.com/Article/ArticleID/14781/14781.html

Edit2:  Here it is:  A list of most of the built in accounts, groups with sids.  May not be xp, but you can get the idea about how they apply.


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Well I can't do anything at all about adding to the Administrators Group. It won't let me cause it is not listed "in the domain group" so therefore it is "not valid" they say. You can't copy and paste, you have to type it in by hand and use their interface window to do it, if you get my drift. I look at these links.

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When the search screen comes up, just click advanced, don't fill anything in, then click Go (Ithink)  It should list all users on the machine by doing this.  The users/groups access that you are using is a bit different than the Users and Passwords under control panel (Which is mostly used for local users/groups (Its a WinXP Professional thing).

You can try it this way too:  Go into the Users list then check the properties of the two users (authenticated users and interactive and add them to the group thru there:  Folder above Groups:

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Either I'm not doing it right or it just won't work  :( :( :cry: I get the same error about the domain not being right.

I went to the users folder and clicked Administrators and then clicked "Add" and typed in the same info as before and got the same response.  :-|:(

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Am I supposed to be on a domain? Na, I don't think so. but it has been popping up alot lately. Bad phrase, I guess. I'm begining wonder if I have too many users? Shouldn't I just have one, like me? Can't I just be the Admin. and leave it at that?  :confused1:

1.)  Is it giving you a Domain Authentication Error?  If you can, post the domain error thats coming up.

2.)  You can check your membership to see if there is an issue there.  Go to Control Panel>system>Computer Name.  Workgroup should be checked with a name associated with it.  If domain is checked with aname associated with it then this could be part of the problem.

3.)  Since you do not have a Domain Controller you cannot be on a domain, only a workgroup but since you are using the Professional version of xp, its a bit different on its handling of security.  From what I understand, you only have your userid (martine and all of the builtins.  If you delete the builtins,  you might just as well reformat 'cause the op sys won't run or will be severly damaged with some of them being removed.  The guests id is the only one I'd even consider deleting, maybe the remote assistance one as well.  Welcome to NT security 101.........

Either I'm not doing it right or it just won't work :( :( :cry: I get the same error about the domain not being right.

I went to the users folder and clicked Administrators and then clicked "Add" and typed in the same info as before and got the same response. :-|:(

Try this:


Domain is synonomous with workgroup for your machine so select whatever name appears but follow these instructions


use Authenticated Users for the id/group name

then add another using Interactive as the id/group name

If you click Advanced then Search or just Search, It should list all users for the workgroup (your computer) 

I really dislike the new "improved" user/group management tool..... Actually it sucks............ rather have the old nt4.0 version back....... very simple to use. :angry5::whaa:

edit:  BTW:  Those two are groups, not users.  Sorry 'bout that.  Must sign off for the eve!  Back to the grind  :whaa: 

:icon_salut::wave: :wave:

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Well, I'm in a workgroup. I saw that earlier. Ms's paths are off the charts. Almost none of their directions(paths) are correct. Some of the stuff(locations) they said do not exist on my machine. Why wouldn't they just say"right click on 'my computer', click manage and then go to Computer Management, then local groups" etc. I can't do what they're saying cause I don't have those options to click on. When I right on a group I don't get any choices that they're talking about. So, for now, I'm back where I started. I think. :roll: :roll:

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Well, I'm in a workgroup. I saw that earlier. Ms's paths are off the charts. Almost none of their directions(paths) are correct. Some of the stuff(locations) they said do not exist on my machine. Why wouldn't they just say"right click on 'my computer', click manage and then go to Computer Management, then local groups" etc. I can't do what they're saying cause I don't have those options to click on. When I right on a group I don't get any choices that they're talking about. So, for now, I'm back where I started. I think. :roll: :roll:

I guess what I'm saying is that without being able to follow them, I can't get to where they want to me to get. :( I see that you went nighty-nite. Dont' blame you for that. Maybe on the morrow things will a little more fresh, FOR ME  :haha: :haha:  :wave: :wave: :occasion14::icon_salut:

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Hi 69RAT; I try to put in something once in awhile.I PMed cak46 to see if these looked OK to suggest since I didn't want to mess up anything you two were working on.The top one is for finding a malware (rootkits) & removing them.All of the spyware  programs don't search for them.

http://www.f-secure.com/blacklight/cure.shtml    Rootkit remover

This one is kind of like the TUT you have.

http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/procexp.shtml    Process veiwer

If you & cak46 figure this out MS should pay you for the fix.

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Hi Cholla. I will look into this now. Thanks for the tip. A couple years ago I had ProcessExplorer, but I don't think it was for XP at the time. I have since uninstalled TUT cause it was causing me a world of grief with msconfig(conflicts) I can always put it back after this is over. Well, off to the links. :read:

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I guess what I'm saying is that without being able to follow them, I can't get to where they want to me to get. :( I see that you went nighty-nite. Dont' blame you for that. Maybe on the morrow things will a little more fresh, FOR ME :haha: :haha: :wave: :wave: :occasion14::icon_salut:

:) :)

Ok.....  Like I said before, I hate this new users and groups interface.  It's aboslutely convoluted.  When i first started learning it, I had a helluva time figuring out what happened between domain vs. local userids and groups and the impact on profiles is a complete pain in the lsass........... :angry5::whaa: :whaa: :cussing:

Anyway, 'nuff of my onging ms-bashing.....

Get to this screen below and double click on groups "folder"

now double click on the group "Administrators" and post what you see for buttons. 

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