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Is it worth paying $25 more per month to go from 3 to 6 MBS?

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Should I go ahead and basically double my internet speed on Roadrunner from around 3600 download to 6000 download and 350 upload to 512 (or around there) for about $25 more a month?

Right now there are some sites I get on superfast when surfing and other sites are a little slow. Will these slow sites be noticeably faster now or will they still be slow because of their server?

What would you do? My download speed presently is about 3200 and upload speed is about 320.

Right now there are some sites I get on superfast when surfing and other sites are a little slow. Will these slow sites be noticeably faster now or will they still be slow because of their server?

You can have a huge pipe, but if the server can only send a few packets per second, you will not benefit from your connection speed.

A faster service is useful when you download a lot, and/or use P2P with many downloads going at once. Even then it's a matter of finances. Can you financially handle the additional $25? Of not, don't do it.

The question is rather simple: Do you need the increased speed, and is it worth the additional cost per month?

The real question, if you can afford it, is will you use it? If you download like crazy or play onlines games then I can see it maybe.. I wouldnt jump on it... the thing that i am more interested in is upload speed... I would rather pay for more upload then download... after a while it all seems to be the same..

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