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VanBuren... I have created a test for you that uses my current test core... the tests that you are linking to are using an out dated core... this one link will link to all the tests you have created

Your Files, Your Layout :::


TestMy.net Files, Your Layout :::


I am going to PM you with login info for editing your layout


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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1054 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB)

Download Speed is:: 129 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 19 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 7.94 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525

Avg ping: 77 ms

download cap: 2560

Grr. :evil:

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ewwww :(

Dern, try 20 MB test and during download make a tracert, to see where the problem is.

I think chello and my isp has very bad routing between them, i got a friend in NL with dsl hes ping is normal 42-47 ms and score very accurate.

VanBuren :)

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Bezig met tracen van route naar thegamer.serveftp.com []

voor maximaal 30 hops:

1 83 ms 55 ms 24 ms ********.*********.chello.nl [***.***.***.***]

2 192 ms 155 ms 78 ms Gig6-0.ah00rt04.brain.upc.nl []

3 88 ms 181 ms 179 ms srp8-0.ah00rt01.brain.upc.nl []

4 65 ms 42 ms 35 ms nl-ams02a-ra1-so-0-0-0.aorta.net []

5 34 ms 58 ms 32 ms nl-ams02a-rd1-10gige-1-0.aorta.net []

6 66 ms 124 ms 214 ms se-sto01a-rd1-ge-2-0.aorta.net []

7 201 ms 108 ms 114 ms ge0-0.br3.sto1.se.bredband.com []

8 205 ms 152 ms 80 ms pos2-0.cr1.sto1.se.bredband.com []

9 * 76 ms 79 ms pos6-0.cr2.ore1.se.bredband.com []

10 79 ms 97 ms 109 ms pos5-0.cr2.lul1.se.bredband.com []

11 90 ms 92 ms 87 ms pos5-0.cr1.lul1.se.bredband.com []

12 162 ms 78 ms 81 ms vlan11.dr1.lul1.se.bredband.com []

13 121 ms 121 ms 145 ms vlan3.dr2.lul10.se.bredband.com []

14 85 ms 73 ms 74 ms thegamer.serveftp.com []

Trace voltooid.

Strange ping results. :?

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Tried again, and this time the tracert looked smooth. 82 ms to thegamer.serveftp.com.

Did you try it during download? Maby the problem only accure when you download/upload.

Your cap is 2560 Kbps and you score 1054 Kbps that shouldnt affect your ping to 1st hop much (the hop thats controlled by isp).

But i can see it does that for some reason here

1 83 ms 55 ms 24 ms ********.*********.chello.nl [***.***.***.***]

Normal ping for cable to 1st hop is around 30 ms, you have a average of 55 and not using half your bandwidth. That make no sence to me :(

VanBuren :)

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Did you try it during download? Maby the problem only accure when you download/upload.

First tracert: while testing at your site with the 20MB file.

Second: while doing nothing on the inet.

Normal ping for cable to 1st hop is around 30 ms, you have a average of 55 and not using half your bandwidth. That make no sence to me :(

I just did two more tracerts, one to chello.nl and one more to testmy.net. First hop was just over 30 ms.

Sis is on msn now on the new comp, so that was testing for now. I still hate that router. It's so dumb, it could be a hub.

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If I were to do that, every internet problem from that moment and on would be my fault. It's my router, so that has to be the problem. At least according to my dad's 'logic'. So no, I'm not buying a new router.

tracert from school:

Bezig met het traceren van de route naar testmy.net []

via maximaal 30 hops:

1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms

2 <10 ms <10 ms 10 ms unlabelled-121-40-58-81.versatel.net []

3 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms

4 10 ms 20 ms 20 ms

5 * 10 ms 20 ms ge4-1.cr01asd2.versatel.net []

6 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms srp2-0.dr01ht.versatel.net []

7 20 ms 20 ms 40 ms dor2ip5.versatel.de []

8 30 ms 30 ms 30 ms fra20ip6.versatel.de []

9 30 ms 40 ms 40 ms ge-0.decix.frnkge03.de.bb.verio.net]

10 50 ms 90 ms 40 ms ge-0-1-0.r01.frnkge02.de.bb.verio.net []

11 20 ms 30 ms 30 ms p4-1-1-0.r21.amstnl02.nl.bb.verio.net []

12 110 ms 131 ms 130 ms p16-1-0-0.r80.asbnva01.us.bb.verio.net []

13 120 ms 130 ms 131 ms p16-0-1-1.r20.asbnva01.us.bb.verio.net []

14 160 ms 160 ms 161 ms p16-0-1-1.r21.dllstx09.us.bb.verio.net []

15 150 ms 160 ms 161 ms ge-1-0-0.a00.dllstx09.us.ra.verio.net []

16 190 ms 160 ms 161 ms ge-1-1.a00.dllstx04.us.ra.verio.net []

17 140 ms 140 ms 141 ms ge-9-3.a00.dllstx04.us.ce.verio.net []

18 140 ms 160 ms 151 ms dsr2-2-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

19 140 ms 151 ms 140 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

20 131 ms 150 ms 150 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com []

De trace is voltooid.


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I could install a speed limiter on this comp, and switch the plugs of both computers on the router. So when he's on, I turn it on, so he gets acceptable speed, and so do I. When he's not on, I get full speed.

Of course, I would get kicked off for switching them around, and he would abuse the connection even more, but it's an idea nonetheless.

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I can't get anything off that test :-P

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 205 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB)

Download Speed is:: 25 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 4 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 40.96 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=0L33E4U9I


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