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I have Broadband from Tiscali.  2mps connection (apparently...).  The best it it seems to achiev at the mo is 580kps (if I'm lucky).  Is that sort of gap likely to be down to my machine configuration (I've had a quick go at tweaking but with little difference) or the connection?

Grateful for any words of wisdom before I start abusing Tiscali!!


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Thanks.  The scores I quoted were from my monitoring of general activity.  Best results on your very helpful test were 300-400.

Main thing I can see that I could change from looking through your link is that I currently connect my modem via a usb 2 port.  How much of a performance increase would there be if I connected via the ethernet link?  I believe my mother board has an enabled ethernet port so shouldn't be a problem from that side, though the modem wasn't supplied with an ethernet cable. 

Also, can the modem itself be a problem?  My modem was originally supplied when I had a 512kps connection.  Recently upgraded to the 2mps connection.  Should I upgrade the modem?

Sorry for all the questions.  Complete noob at this!!


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ethernet should help your connection out a bit, yep.  regarding your modem, who makes it and what is the model?  Do you lease the modem from your ISP?  If so, you can ask your ISP for a new modem, and if you word it the right way, you should get a newer model.

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