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I have a problem with my connection running azureus.

the speed of it fluctuates from 20kbs down to zero, usually stays at 2-7

I have problems with the tracker bieng down, and timeouts and "ok (dht)" whatever that means.

sometimes it says I have to open up port 6881 ydp, but I have tested it with the program and it says its ok

I have xp with service pack two, and I already ran the p2p fix

I am using suscom cable, however I could no tfind on the website what they are rated for

I have cable nut installed, but I am not sure of which to run, I chose vanburens version seven for cable xp, no router, 512 128 (more of just picking one - I am not sure that it is the best one for me)

I did the tweak tester, but nothing happens when I click results

my download stats and upload stats vary, yesterday it was 20%of average, today it's 70, and my upload varried between 71% and bieng 11 percent faster

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 4074 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 497 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Jul 7 19:51:21 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 73X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.06 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 71.66 % of your hosts average (suscom.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-597CW4ZAP

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 157 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 19 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Thu Jul 7 19:54:00 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 53.89 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 87.71 % of your hosts average (suscom.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-41JYWOM0K

TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.3d

click START to begin

Another client is currently being served, your test will begin within 45 seconds

Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Done

running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 64.43Kb/s

running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 4.41Mb/s

Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem

click START to re-test

Log created by AutoCheck.bat on Thu 07/07/2005

Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=68ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=71ms TTL=47Ping statistics for    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:    Minimum = 67ms, Maximum = 71ms, Average = 68ms

Ping Complete.

Tracing route to testmy.net []over a maximum of 30 hops:  1    *        *        *    Request timed out.  2    10 ms    9 ms    10 ms  ip201.83.susc.suscom.net []  3    9 ms    10 ms    11 ms  ip137.83.susc.suscom.net []  4    11 ms  227 ms  214 ms  ip145.83.susc.suscom.net []  5    *      31 ms    29 ms  6    31 ms    29 ms    32 ms  phlapa1wao1-port3.wcg.net []  7    33 ms    33 ms    37 ms  nycmny2wcx3-pos0-2.wcg.net []  8    36 ms    33 ms    40 ms  nycmnyzlce1-pos4-0.wcg.net []  9    34 ms    31 ms    *    aer1-gigabitethernet4-4.NewYork.savvis.net []  10    27 ms    32 ms    29 ms  dcr4-ae2.NewYork.savvis.net []  11    33 ms    34 ms    31 ms  bcs2-so-1-0-0-500.NewYork.savvis.net []  12    *      34 ms    35 ms  bcs2-so-4-0-0.Washington.savvis.net []  13    46 ms    47 ms    47 ms  dcr2-so-7-2-0.Atlanta.savvis.net []  14    70 ms    68 ms    68 ms  bcs1-so-3-2-0.Dallas.savvis.net []  15    66 ms    63 ms    63 ms  bcs1-so-6-0-0.Dallas.savvis.net []  16    69 ms    72 ms    *    aer1-po10.DallasEquinix.savvis.net []  17    *      73 ms    65 ms  18    84 ms    66 ms    70 ms  19    72 ms    77 ms    67 ms  dist-vlan41.dsr2-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com []  20    71 ms    61 ms    63 ms  dist-vlan41.dsr2-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com []  21    68 ms    69 ms    65 ms  85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete.

my lan connection ays a cable is unplugged, and there were no programs to uninstall, I was using them all

noting in my internet explorer lan settings is checked

I ran cc cleaner

my modem is plugged by ethernet, I am not sure how to get the latest drivers for it or how to change its settings?

zone alarm slows it down by only a few percent.

and I have run all the spyware programs

anything I can do?

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I have the firewall on xp turned off, I am running zonealarm - with zone alarm off, it doesn't get much faster. ( a few %)

suscom says it is "5Mbps x 256Kbps" - remember mine has fluctuated from 0.7 to 4 mbps

I followed the steps on the first second and third post you are pointing to

forgot to mention, leaktest found no leaks

I use avg, spybot s&d, ad-aware, pest patrol, cws shredder, and zone alarms anti-virus scanner

I used the netstat -a command

it lists alot, but I haven't used this before, so I am not sure what is what.

it lists some dot coms, but I am downloading right now.

I used the netstat -a command

it lists alot, but I haven't used this before, so I am not sure what is what.

it lists some dot coms, but I am downloading right now.

Right.  What you want to do: simplify your connection.  Close anything that you don't need.  Close downloads, IM's, etc.  anything that would/might connect to the Internet.  If you want accurate results, that is.  This goes for all testing relating to this site.  You're not going to get an answer when you've got too many variables to narrow down the problem.

Ok, so shut down your computer, router, and modem.  Then bring up your modem, wait a minute, bring up your router, wait a minute, bring up your computer.  If you're not on a router then skip that step.  This is called powercycling, btw.  Basically, this has now refreshed your connection and closed any backdoor (ie. trojan/spyware) connections.  Now run a netstat from DOS and make a mental note of how many connections are established (disregard listening ports).  Are there just a few or are there lots?  After a while of being on the Internet, run another netstat...are there now a bunch more open connections?  Unless you are a TCP/IP sleuth, you're probably not going to be able to pinpoint the source or nature of each connection, so just making a qualitative observations at different times and comparing will give you a vague idea of what your computer is up to. 

Looking at your tracert, I see some *'s, which indicate a timeout/giveup.  This is generally a bad thing, and is relating to your hardware.  Dogturd, try running another tracert after the powercycle (post it if you please) and see if there is any difference from the previous one.  P.S. are you on a router?  If so, is it a wireless connection to the PC?  Ok, like your name dogturd, stay real.

  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for the slow reply, I was out of town (again)

I have no router,just a terayon tj110 cable modem.

I was able to uninstall zone alarm, and left xp's fire wall off, I still have timeouts like:

ok (dht)

connection error (socketException:Resource temporarily unavailable:recv failed)

Scrape error:Resource temporarily unavailable:recv failed)

all of them are like this?

is it my modem that could be causing this? it is an older one

here it is

og created by AutoCheck.bat on Thu 07/21/2005

Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=47

Reply from bytes=32 time=63ms TTL=47

Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=47

Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 63ms, Maximum = 69ms, Average = 65ms

Ping Complete.

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  2    8 ms    12 ms    12 ms  ip201.83.susc.suscom.net []

  3    11 ms    19 ms    20 ms  ip137.83.susc.suscom.net []

  4    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms  ip145.83.susc.suscom.net []

  5    39 ms    19 ms    18 ms  ip129.83.susc.suscom.net []

  6    36 ms    29 ms    31 ms

  7    63 ms    63 ms    73 ms  gbr1-p70.phlpa.ip.att.net []

  8    63 ms    62 ms    64 ms  tbr2-p012501.phlpa.ip.att.net []

  9    64 ms    67 ms    69 ms  tbr1-cl9.wswdc.ip.att.net []

10    64 ms    79 ms    66 ms  tbr1-cl4.sl9mo.ip.att.net []

11    66 ms    65 ms    63 ms  tbr2-cl2.sl9mo.ip.att.net []

12    63 ms    65 ms    65 ms  tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net []

13    67 ms    63 ms    65 ms  gar1-p370.dlrtx.ip.att.net []

14    72 ms    62 ms    73 ms

15    64 ms    71 ms    65 ms  dist-vlan31.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

16    69 ms    71 ms    69 ms  dist-vlan41.dsr2-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

17    66 ms    79 ms    81 ms  gig1-0-1.tp-car9-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

18    64 ms    86 ms    64 ms  85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com []

Trace complete.

I power cycled, I ran netstat, I had only two connections, one of which is listening

after a feww minutes online I now have 35 connections, 5 are listening, 12 are established, with two time_wait and one close_wait

I forgot to tracert, I will power cycle again, run tracert and post it.

After a few minutes, when netstat showed more connections, had you opened any programs that use the Internet, such as IM's and p2p's?

after running netstat for the first time after the power cycle, I had only ran Internet Explorer to view a few pages on testmy.net.

both online scans failed. I downloaded the file for the first one and then it goes to the test page and says this in red "Control failed to load. Are you using Internet Explorer 4.0 or above?"

no, I opened the page with AOL, I tried internet explorer as well, but it gives the same error.

the other program doesn't work either, I downloaded its file, and it sits there and does nothing, I enabled activex like it says to do in the troubleshooting section, but that still doesn't work

oh hey when I go to ipconfig, I get a short list, but the main thing is that I get "media state................... Media disconnected.

how can it be disconnected? the my connection to the internet works ok

Is more than one adapter listed? Sometimes "virutal adaptors" are also listed.

oh hey when I go to ipconfig, I get a short list, but the main thing is that I get "media state................... Media disconnected.

how can it be disconnected? the my connection to the internet works ok

Try going to control panel --> network connections....how many connections, and which one is enabled/connected?

to net masta - only one adapter is listed

I have 6 connections, 3 are under dialup and I don't use a dial up modem anymore

I do have a local area connection (which is the unplugged one) and a local area connection 2, and then a 1394 connection.

and the firewall thing - I had windows firewall turned off for the tests, and zone alarm is no longer installed.

I don't know of any other firewalls on my computer.

the nat/firewall test given in azerus says "unable to test(invalid port given or testing service failed)

I ran leaktest, it cannot connect - i have xp's firewall turned off. there was a test that I had run before that detects your firewall, I forget where it is, it said I have no firewall (with xp's off of course)

Port errors....hmmm, i would try reinstalling TCP/IP for the connection.

-right click on the local area connection that is enabled/connected, choose properties

-click install

-choose protocol, click add

-click 'have disk'

-where it says 'copy manufacturers files from, type: c:windowsinf and click ok

-select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click ok

-close windows and reboot your machine

see if this helps with the invalid ports issues.

_____________________________GINORMOUS UPDATE________________________________

I had to use system restore and then reinstalll zone alarm. it caused too many problems with it uninstalled.

now I can at least get a connection with azureus.

since the restore the connections works better, I tried reinstalling the TCP/IP anyway, It says the inf file isn't there

the two programs you linked however, still do not run - even with za and xp's firewall turned off.

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