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Yes but I'm saying I am not really sure what they are giving me as a router...Will this one work with ANY router  http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00009X6DT/ref=pd_cps_e_1/102-6160461-0572165?v=glance&s=electronics

I need one that works with any router so I can order now..And is there anything else I need for the adaptor to hook up to the wireless computer like a chip or something??

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Well I don't know what kind of router they are giving me...He said something about being wireless...But I wont both hard wired so what do I tell them...Cuz I don't know which router they are giving me, I'm going to order from the site pit gave me I think...All I will need is a long ethernet cord from them right???

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Ok I got a hold of them...He said he doesn't even think they even have the Motorola one with built in router!! He said he noted on my order if they have one bring a Toshiba PCX5000 because it has 4 ethernet ports on it...Is this a good modem?? Now on figuring out how long of a cord Ineed...

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