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If this is a medical emergency, please hang up, and dial 9-1-1.

Who is your carrier, how are you connected to your modem, how is your line (phone, or coax) connected to your modem (1st splitter?), what have you attempted to make your system run faster, have you tweaked at all?

Please use less explanation points, settle down, and answer these questions.

Also, test from chi.speakeasy.net to see if your routing is just bad to testmy. How fast can you download from a site like download.microsoft.com

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Thanx that helped quite a bit. but why 8760??

Are there any other tweaks i can do. I read something about buffer size?I dunno


You dont need to tweak that with a 256 Kbps cap, windows defult buffers is more then enough.

8760 is a RWIN multible with your MSS, and works best up to a cap around 256 Kbps on cable.

VanBuren :)

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Thanx that helped quite a bit. but why 8760??

Are there any other tweaks i can do. I read something about buffer size?I dunno


and now your saying your still at 160?


Follow this tweak guide i made


VanBuren :)

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ok. heres what happened. I followed ur manual for non-advanced users. My mss was 1440 which was not in any of cable or dsl so i tried both. I tried the DSL 512, 256 which out of three tests on test my net got a max of 207 and a min of 160. I tried another setting this time cable 512, 256. I did 3 speed checks. Highest=188 Lowest=170. The next thing i did was clear all cablenut tweaks and save to registry. I did 4 checks. Highest=217 Low=180.

P.S. I rebooted after i changed the values.

Wat the hell is gion on!!! maybe the results are like this because there is no setting for 256u 256d on ur thing

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ok. heres what happened. I followed ur manual for non-advanced users. My mss was 1440 which was not in any of cable or dsl so i tried both. I tried the DSL 512, 256 which out of three tests on test my net got a max of 207 and a min of 160. I tried another setting this time cable 512, 256. I did 3 speed checks. Highest=188 Lowest=170. The next thing i did was clear all cablenut tweaks and save to registry. I did 4 checks. Highest=217 Low=180.

P.S. I rebooted after i changed the values.

Wat the hell is gion on!!! maybe the results are like this because there is no setting for 256u 256d on ur thing

I made a file for you, and added a folder for MSS 1440. Just redownload that Vanburens_cablenut_settings.zip and overwrite the old folder.

Then follow this guide again and use non advanced user, and load the file in MSS 1440 folder.


good luck

VanBuren :)

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Van Buren i simply give up.i get 60 kbps with ur tweak and 40 kbps with my old. I toatally give up. Its ok, indians are reaaaaaaaaly incompetant and dont know what service is. I called them and they said this was normal cuz of "International traffic" I sorta find it hard to believe that u lose over 200 percent bandwith cuz off that. sigh, Oh well :cry:

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now its up to 210 with your tweak. this is like an emotional rollercoaster ride. Oh and cablenut does not have xp as a operting system setting so what do i do. And will ur tweak work for a PPPoE??

thanx for all ur help seriosly

Cablenut work with XP, my tweakfolder also has settings for XP/2000

Settings for win 2000/XP is the same

Yes in my tweakfolder i also have settings for PPPoE....

Read the tweak guide, every step

good luck

VanBuren :)

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I pay for sbc 1.5mbs line and they say that there average is about 1.02mbs or so and I have never even gotten 1.02 in fact I have never gotten about 750kbbs most of the time I never get above 380kbs and I have not idea why could you help me please?

Try this http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?t=605

VanBuren :)

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OK vanburen Heres my info I am runnig XP Home I have sbc yahoo dsl and there advertised speed is 1.5mbs I have TCPOptimizer and Cable Nut and :::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 321 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB)

Download Speed is:: 39 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 6 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 26.26 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=2YMB5LC4G

is my speed and not sure about the ping or the properties under my LAN and I did the rest. I have posted before about this and they said I had a hardware problem can you help. I would also like to know if I can uncap my modem thanks!!!

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OK vanburen Heres my info I am runnig XP Home I have sbc yahoo dsl and there advertised speed is 1.5mbs I have TCPOptimizer and Cable Nut and :::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 321 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB)

Download Speed is:: 39 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 6 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 26.26 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=2YMB5LC4G

is my speed and not sure about the ping or the properties under my LAN and I did the rest. I have posted before about this and they said I had a hardware problem can you help. I would also like to know if I can uncap my modem thanks!!!

hey shanee

Its very important to follow every step if you use the "advanced" way in my tweakguide. If this is hard for you i suggest you use the"Non advanced" way instead.

I made some custom settings for diffrent types of services, the only thing you need to to do is find out your MSS value.

To get a MSS value you must first start adjuster, delete cablenut tweaks, click save to registry like im saying in the guide.

When you got a MSS eg 1452 (use my guide) you start adjuster, click file browse to vanburens_cablenut_settings choose eg win XP/2000 folder, now choose the folder MSS1452. Now you can see alot of diffrent files, choose the file that is closest to your capped speed eg DSL PPPoE 1500 128 now you got a few settings in adjuster, click save to registry and your done.

If this dosent help....

You might have a hardware problem too, if you have a router try unplugging it and connect your pc to the modem.

You can also have problems with networkcard, if its possible try with another pc aswell.

good luck

VanBuren :)

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If you'd like a 100,000.00 (insert your currency here) fine, then yes.

I say we give VanBuren a title: Mr. Optimiser. :lol:

yea shanee uncapping is not the way to go, too expensive if you get busted...

RTB, i dont know if i deserve that title yet :D

VanBuren :)

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I need help Van Buren in step 8 were it says Find a big file to download where you get full speed' date=' start the download and now ping your isp (for optimal ping to use later is the ping to your first hop). I cant find that file were is it.[/quote']

You can use any file, the important thing is that you use a file thats on a fast server close to you, best is to download 2 files at sametime and then ping your ISP.

here is some files you can download




Good luck

VanBuren :)

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