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How much hard drive space do you have in/attached (USB, FireWire, not networked) to your main computer?

I currently have 3x80 (2 in raid 0, 1 as my Windows drive) and 1x20 GB(Linux) drives in my computer. This adds up to 280 gigs.

Last night, I picked up 3x160 GB drives. I will be replacing 2 of the 80 gig drives on my RAID array, and the 20 GB linux drive. Then I am going to buy an external USB 2 enclosure for one of the 80 gig drives.

I'll have 3x160 (2 on raid 0, 1 as linux), my 80 gig Windows drive, and an external 80 gig drive. I'll have 640 gigs, and a left over 80 gig and 20 gig drive to use for something else :)

Hopefully I won't run out of space for a while. Do I have the most HD space in one computer of every one on this site?

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As some people now I am the owner of a web hosting company and have several site of mine own but that not what I am really here for. I am really here becuase I want to help other with problems that I know how to fix. I also heard that swiimer is going to setup a media server and I was just wondering if he need help with that since I do know how to do that. Plus I also hope he has a good system because media servers need to be a good system or you will fry your system plus I also have a server setup more like a file server but a server and I do not claim the rights to any of these files I have got alot of them from file sharing programs so it shouldn't be illegal to have them but maybe it is I don't know if it is please tell me plus I think it is only illegal if you charge for them witch I am not and I am soon to post the movie SWAT and I already have spider man 2 on there but they are large files and the are good quaility. So here it is http://www.shanee861.no-ip.com/ please enjoy and if it illegal please don't tell or I will stop allowing people to see these files and I will not add more to them I have alot of files to post there later so keep checking back also this is a server that is not always up so please don't think it will always be up thanks and once a gain enjoy and if you have something else you want please tell me what its and will see if I have it and if I do then I will add it or find it thanks and please keep this in silent if this is illegal I have kno w idea if it so please don't tell thanks!!!!!!!!!

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Yes well my inernet is slow for some reason I have sbc yahoo dsl and I am supposed to get speeds of 1.5mbs but I usaully only get around 320kbs so sorry for the slow speed but I have tried to make it faster thanks. I am just happy it works now what was making it not work was xp firewall so please tell me what you like thats one there and what you would like to see on there and I will try to add it ok thanks!!!

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Hey wingzero what did you download I say you must have dowloaded something since my server tell me when someone is on it and my internet was going so what was it and tell me please what you would like to see there and also you can upload to my server by going (clip by Microwave>>>dead

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OK and Hi shugs I am happy to be back. The answer to your question is a media server is what servers you up the music videos and music you listen to on site like yahoo or msn they stream to you or a constent download also usaully there are secured meaning unlike other site you can't just go to your temp file and copy and paste it to somewere else. Also a media server must be a good system because streaming uses alot of bandwitch and cpu power etc it is like watching tv on your pc kind of. I don't know if you were trying to test me or what but I know what it is it is just hard to explain but you probably get the point or know what I am talking about if not tell me thanks!! Also I have a media server setup and so just tell me if you want to see a example movie and I also have a file server located at http://www.shanee861.no-ip.com/ also you can upload to it at ftp://www.shanee861.no-ip.com thanks!!!

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Ok swimmer are you asking for my help or just telling me that. I would be happy to help I also don't think you really need a media server but maybe a file server like mine if you want to check mine out look at rescent post and also I would also be happy to host your files and your friends for free since I do own a hosting company just tell me more ok thanks!!!

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