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Setting up a Linux Firewall?

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I have an old P4 1.3 with 512mb of rambus 800 collecting dust. I have heard that you could install linux on a PC and use that PC as a Firewall. Is this possible to use this box like this: cable modem to Linux box with firewall to router to PC's?

Any one know anything about this? any instructions on doing this would be greatly appreciated. Would I have to install two NIC cards one going in and one out is that possible? Is this like a makeshift server?

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that would be cool

i have heard of this also but with machine much worse then yours

your machine should be a quicky firewall hehehe

i am moving this topic to the Help section ok

would be intresting if some one could help i would like to know more also

You want to make sure you configure your internal network first and then get your external (internet) connection working.  Once the two pieces are functional, you should then be able to install and configure your firewall software of choice, unless you know how to configure iptables yourself.

Firestarter seems to work fairly well also.

Good luck. 

just make sure you have two nics in the linux box. one to the modem, one to the switch that distributes to the rest of the house. unless you also set up a mailserver and stuff on the linuxbox you are basically using a complete comp to emulate a 40 buck router. without the added ports for which you will need to get a switch even. but it's a good learning experience, especially about the sense and nonsense of using linux for anything else than a server os (which you would be doing) and you will have a lot more trouble setting it up than plug and praying an out of the box router. but that's just my $0.02. it's not that i don't like linux, i just don't like going out of my way to use it.

Would a VPN firewall be a good security solution? What is a VPN firewall what does it do how does it compare to say sygate or zonealarm?

I found these on newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=Go&DEPA=0&type=&description=vpn+firewall&Category=0&minPrice=&maxPrice=&Go.x=0&Go.y=0

what is the best way to have solid security without having to run a firewall on my PC's for no more than $125 or is setting up a linux box firewall just as good or what?

ELITE PETE I have a belkin54g router it has a firewall but I think it is rather rudimentary.


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