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Finding BIOS updates

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Does anyone know where I can go to check if there is a BIOS update for my mobo. I've tried esupport.com, but they want $70 for it! :angry5: I know there is some site where I can get the update for free. I am am right that $70 is outrageous, right? I just am not sure where to look. BTW, here's the info that site's BIOS checker found:

Program:  eSupport.com BIOS Agent Version 3.45

BIOS Date: 01/03/02

BIOS Type: PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0   

BIOS ID:  xxxxx.xx.xxxx.x.xxxxxxxxxx     

OEM Sign-On: None

Chipset:  Intel Whitney 82810E rev 3

Superio:  Unknown

OS:        WinXP SP2

CPU:      Pentium® III 1200 Mhz MAX: 1600 Mhz

BIOS ROM In Socket: No

BIOS ROM Size:      512K

Memory Installed:  256 MB

Memory Maximum:    512 MB

Memory Slot 01:    256 MB

Memory Slot 02:    0 MB

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netmasta:The link below just shows several e machines use Trigem mobo.There could be some info to help Identify it further.


Since your current BIOS is Phoenix have you tried their site to see if they have the update?

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Yep, that's how I found the Esupport.com site.

How do I get a BIOS upgrade?

The original manufacturer is the best source for a BIOS upgrade. If you are unable to contact the system/motherboard manufacturer, contact eSupport.com for assistance. Click here for more detail. This information is not available for PhoenixBI

I also just finished an online chat with Emachines support. They directed me back to Trigem.

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well, first question, why the update? if it is just to have the latest version, that's a fairly high risk enterprise with low payoff. if it's to be able to do something the old one couldn't then it's a possibility.

the 70 bucks prolly means they send you a flashed chip to install. safer than flashing yourself, since a hickup won't render your board useless.

one tip if you do flash yourself using the util disk generally created: make at least 2 disks. so if the disk turns out to be bad in the middle of the process, you can swap.

good luck.

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netmasta: If you don't find it at Trigem I think I found one that may be correct at:  http://driverguide.com/  You have to register for a free membership before you can DL .These are the links to the DL but I'm sure you have to be a member & login before they will work.



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well, first question, why the update? if it is just to have the latest version, that's a fairly high risk enterprise with low payoff. if it's to be able to do something the old one couldn't then it's a possibility.

the 70 bucks prolly means they send you a flashed chip to install. safer than flashing yourself, since a hickup won't render your board useless.

one tip if you do flash yourself using the util disk generally created: make at least 2 disks. so if the disk turns out to be bad in the middle of the process, you can swap.

good luck.

Well, it's a boxed comp, and there are no overclocking options in it. Actually there aren't many options at all. I think, he said $70. He said the BIOS file would be e-mailed to me.

Cholla: Yup, I am a member of that site. I'd rather get a BIOS update from an official site, seeing the risk involved. That site is good for drivers though.

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then i would make sure before flashing that a new bios version will actually have the options you want. i flashed a board successfully long time ago, i did gain 0.3 percent speed. but 2 weeks later i saw a buddy flash his, the program aborted for some arcane reason or other, and he ended up with a dead bios chip, rendering his board useless.

it's a fairly easy diy project, but it does have its risks. and i am not so sure a bios revision for a board used in retail boxes would inclue a change as drastic as overclocking options. usually a bios revision is released to fix "real" problems in the bios that cause hanging under certain conditions and the like, not for cosmetics.

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netmasta : I understand getting the BIOS form the manufacturer of the PC or mobo.I put that in as a alternative to the $70.  one you found at the official site.

I agree with resopalrabotnick unless you know the new BIOS will do something the old one doesn't & you need your PC to do that it would be best to just use the older one.

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Well, it's a boxed comp, and there are no overclocking options in it. Actually there aren't many options at all. I think, he said $70. He said the BIOS file would be e-mailed to me.

Cholla: Yup, I am a member of that site. I'd rather get a BIOS update from an official site, seeing the risk involved. That site is good for drivers though.

Netmasta, you could pop the cover off your machine and see if the motherboard has a model number and/or name printed on it.  Post it if you decide to take a peek under the hood.    :)

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Netmasta, you could pop the cover off your machine and see if the motherboard has a model number and/or name printed on it.  Post it if you decide to take a peek under the hood.    :)

I'm not sure about a model number, but it a board made by Trigem for Emachines. The name of the board is "Lomita" with : PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0    On a Celeron 1.2Ghz and the Intel 82810E chipset.

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