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is this even right for the schools to do(curious)

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billybob12345:I will give my opinion A lot of school boards have some pretty sorry rules.Unless you can afford a lawyer you are stuck with their interpretation.So in the school district you are talking about that may be the rule.

Let it be the star quarterback on either side of the situation & you will see the rules applied differently.

Now to discuss law instead of school board policies.In general words should never provoke a fight & your only legal way is to respond back with words.Whoever throws the first punch is usually guilty of assault.There are exceptions like if you have reasonable expectation the other person is going to punch you.If they have made a verbal threat to hit you for example or the already have their fist drawn back then you can throw the first punch & it is still self defense.But you better have witnesses.

There have been some court decisions that certain racial slurs are enough to provoke assault.I don't agree with this.It opens up a defense to respond to any word a person doesn't like.Because why should one person be allowed to attack when a word offends him & another not be allowed to decide another word offends him just as much.These decisions are bad law & will eventually be over ruled.

billybob12345 : Being in school is ancient times for me.But I understand the problem with bomb but it should apply to teachers as well.When I was in school we still had atomic bomb drills like that would have done any good.

My freshman year of school my hair in back had to be above a regular collar shirt & taper cut to register .I tried 3 times to get by with a blocked cut & couldn't.(A blocked cut was a strait across cut still above the collar but not tapered)So pretty strict by todays standards.that would have been 1967..Girls still couldn't wear pants to school that wasn't too bad some short minis during that time.It loosened up some by 1971

Hey BillyBob.  Where I went to high school, fights were a regular thing to see (or be involved in, depending).  If somebody attacks you, whether verbally or physically, you have every right to defend yourself.  From what I understand about suspension, the school will suspend both parties for a time, no matter who is the instigator, or whether it was self defense, or whatever.  I think the rationale is that it gives both a chance to cool their heads.  If they were allowed to come back to school the next day after the fight, then they would probably get into it again because they are still upset, and chances are it would be much worse.  This is what the schools try to avoid, and it is for everybody's safety.  A couple of days at home to get over it and think is generally the best recipe for a resolution.  After that, if the issue is ongoing, then they'll bring in the proper authorities to deal with it, but usually it just blows over.

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