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You made a great choice, FF is the best browser out there.  You've just joined the 91,117,246 others who have downloaded the fox so far.  That's the official number from spreadfirefox.com  300 billion IE users, thats kinda pushin it isnt it, seeing as how theres only 6-7 billion people on earth.  :roll:;)

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Mozilla Firefox Users Annoyed by IE-Only Sites

Thursday April 14th, 2005

SearchEnterpriseLinux.com has an article entitled What's wrong with Firefox isn't Firefox's fault. The report says that while many IT professionals are delighted by Mozilla Firefox's features and security, the biggest cause for complaint is the number of websites that only work with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some users have even reluctantly returned to IE because of this single issue. Unlike many other journalists and analysts, SearchEnterpriseLinux.com editor Jan Stafford does not argue that Firefox should do more to become compatible with IE-only sites. She lays the blame squarely where it belongs: with the companies that create sites that only work with Internet Explorer.

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By chimpypimpy posted Jan 24, 2005 - 3:32 PM 

So secure that it froze on almost every website I went to!

So secure that my bookmarks dissapeared!

So secure that I no longer can browse with Firefox!

By zridling posted Jan 25, 2005 - 4:27 AM 

It is definitely fast, but until Firefox stops garbling tables, it's of no use to me. It's just too unforgiving of anything it doesn't like, and I hate having to chase down and reinstall dozens of plug-ins that stop working after every upgrade.

By sophist_dreams edited Jan 24, 2005 - 4:25 PM 

If FF is freezing when you visit web sites it generally means the site itself is not written to industry standards for html or the site you have or are trying to visit is a site that utulizes active x to scan your puter. You might not like FF but I have the feeling it saved you a whole lot of grief.

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By spiffyjeff posted Jan 24, 2005 - 2:29 PM 

I went to a website I received in this e-mail. I was pretty sure it was going to be a Identety Hijacking website, but I was curious so I went anyway. FF wouldn't even let the page load, but instead popped up a message saying something like "this port is blocked for securty purposes." So I loaded the site in Konquer and sure enough, it was an ID highjacking website.

In the past, I have read comments where people were concerned about the "extensions" feature, which is similar to Active X; a technology that many sites use to compromise IE. I just wanted you to know, that you can disable Active X in IE, that, in fact would be a very smart thing for you to do. So what about FF's extensions? By default, extensions are only allowed to be installed from FF's site, not some other schmoe's site. If Active X were the same, IE would have more than double the security it lacks today.

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A lot of the alleged 'problems' people have with FF are due to their computers first, and improper install/upgrades second.  The upgrading for firefox is amazingly simple now, you dont even half to uninstall the old version.  FF is on pace to hit 100,000,000 downloads before the end of the year, so the 'IE-only' sites better realize that not everyone will be a slave to explorer.  Also, there are plugins for FF that make it appear as IE 6.0 so you can use FF on the IE sites.  :cool:

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Firefox wants to be like IE now' cause firefox can't handle being Firefox without IE

So now they will finally have fun with Firefox since they depend on IE Hmnnnn!!! Funny' :D:haha::lol::evil6::violent1:


Firefox doesnt want to be IE, it just wants to make the crappy IE-only sites THINK its IE.  I think of it as outsmarting the competition, you know, smart like a fox?  :cool:

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so if the problems are due to the comps, ff is less compatible than ie? so why should i go out of my way to cobble together a third party browser for my system if it comes with one that works fine already installed? :twisted:

I completely agree' but its so funny to me that even firefox is saying that finally surfing the net will be fun again'

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so if the problems are due to the comps, ff is less compatible than ie? so why should i go out of my way to cobble together a third party browser for my system if it comes with one that works fine already installed? :twisted:

Not everyone uses a Windows based PC.  :roll:

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:roll::evil::angry5::!:  FF will eventually overtake IE in terms of users, it may take a while since MS has a stranglehold on PCs, but itll happen.  I mean look what IE 7 is offering as new features, tabbed browsing, which FF has had for what, millenia now?  Give me a break, they have to copy the good features from Mozilla and then sell them as 'new' features on their craptastic browser.  Way to go, MS.  :roll:
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