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bandwidth / hardware requirements for a game server (virtual dedicated)

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well, heres a good question....i need an answer from someone who has done similar before, and has some experience in doing so

I want to run a counter strike server from a virtual dedicated server: 20 slot server - i also want to run a 30 slot team speak server and a website as well - all of that off of a virtual dedicated server....the website gets about 2gig of traffic per month....not much....my biggest concern is the teamspeak server and the counter strike server

i am looking into getting hosted with godaddy.com - they have decent (i think) virtual dedicated server for about 50 dollars a month, 20gb space, 500gb of bandwidth and so on.....

is this kind of virtual dedicated server set up enough to run all three of those things....will players experience a lot of lag ? ....anyone know ?


teamspeak = voice communication program


They are running a P4 3.0 with 1gig ram and a t1.. for a 16 slot.. i would say put the website and team speak on the same server and then get a different one for the game server.. 

I havent dont this type of set up.. But it would make more sense to me to have the game server seperate from the VoIP server.. so that you dont have to mess with bandwidth and website traffic..

you would have to look at how much load/traffic the game itself and the teamspeak generate. if the sum of the two lets the thing still tick over comfortably you're good. if the sum of the parts gets near the capacity of 1 machine, you're risking peaks over your capacity. that's what common sense tells me. i think your best bet is to find other server ops in the cs community (there must be such a thing) and get their experiences concerning cpu load/bandwidth requirements.

I have and as long as you have lots of speed available on your connection it shouldn't be a problem, considering you have a fairly strong server. The site and teamspeak (ventrilo is better IMO) aren't heavy enough in resources to lag the game.

I ran all of that and desert combat server on 1.5 GB PC 3200, Athlon 2500-M (@2500MHz) with no lag.

The connection was cable 1mb up. So i couldn't have alot of players or people on ventrilo. I gave that more as a example of how it loads hardware.

CS uses 7-10 KB/sec upload i believe, the same as desert combat. So worst case scenario 50 players would use 500 KB/sec upload.

CS uses 7-10 kB/sec upload i believe, the same as desert combat. So worst case scenario 50 players would use 500 kB/sec upload.

There is no way that cs would take up 4.1 meg up, i have hosted on a game similiar to cs (ENEMY TERRITORY) and i did a 10 man on 384 up with no max rate cap and no limit to pings. I think that a 50 man might take up 2.1 max upload being no lag as well.

Yeah that is possible i that it may take less. I forgot to mention the most important thing as far as hardware load goes. I also played the game on the server while hosting with no lag so bandwidth would be the only issue.

If you want to know forsure how much CS uses per player download netlimiter and see how much each player uses in upload. DC was 7-10 KB/sec CS must be a bit less.

There is no way that cs would take up 4.1 meg up, i have hosted on a game similiar to cs (ENEMY TERRITORY) and i did a 10 man on 384 up with no max rate cap and no limit to pings. I think that a 50 man might take up 2.1 max upload being no lag as well.

no it would take way more bandwidth..t1's really DONT have THAT much speed.

a 50 person CS server would probably be suitable with like 5-10mbit upload (no lagg). More players = more moving = more shooting = more bandwidth.

it will be cs 1.6 and yes, it will be public.....ill get it started once i find out that the virtual dedicated server is enough......how do you all think the load is distributed on that server ? do you think that a company like godaddy.com overloads their servers ?

your not going to need much power i ran a 16 player CS server on a p3 1ghz with 512mb of ram, on a cable connection with 768kbps of upload. and everyone was getting a pic no higher then 110. for CS you don't need alot of power. its not a doom3 or unreal type game where it needs alot of power.

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